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Harry avoids Sebastian until Thanksgiving. It's the longest they go without seeing each other in person since they started dating. Harry convinces himself that it's not because he's afraid of Sebastian but because they both need a little break from each other. Also, Harry has a lot of exams. It is midterms season after all.

He responds to all of Sebastian's texts and calls, blaming his full schedule on studying. And Harry actually stays inside his bedroom the whole time, only leaving for school and then going back home right away. His suspicious behaviour goes unnoticed for the most part.

Harry was scared Sebastian would try to wait for him after school and he actually did but Harry managed to get out before he noticed. He was walking out of the building with Lara when he noticed Sebastian standing on a pavement, talking to Mrs. Dalton. Harry froze, told Lara to avoid Sebastian and in case he asked her where Harry was, she was to say that Harry had consultation concerning his college applications and that he'd be too long for Sebastian to wait and then Harry had to go home and study anyways. She rolled her eyes but didn't question Harry as he ran back inside the school building.

By Thanksgiving, Harry kind of missed Sebastian and was relieved when he got the text that Sebastian was outside. They ended up going to Hamptons, staying there from Wednesday to Monday. Sebastian couldn't come with them since he had school obligations of his own and told Harry he'd come in the evening.

Harry opened the door with a smile and pulled Sebastian into a kiss right away.

"I missed you," Harry whispered. His chest already felt lighter and Harry's smile only grew when he saw that Sebastian had a small smile on his lips too.

"You're not even gonna let me in?" Sebastian asked with a quirk of his brow.

"Oh yeah, come on in," Harry stepped away to let Sebastian pass. He has just a leather hold-all with him, slung over his shoulder.

"We have to be quiet, everyone's already asleep. You're here a bit later then we expected," Harry says as he locks the door, his back turned to Sebastian who's standing in the foyer. His face suddenly meets with the wood of the wood, his shoulders painfully hitting the door as well. Feels a hand at the back of his head.

"Where the fuck were you?" Sebastian growls into his ear.

"Nowhere. Home. School," Harry says quietly. He thinks he isn't breathing anymore, that his heart stopped pumping blood and it's just contracting and relaxing, empty in his ribcage.

Sebastian's hand drops from his head and the heat of his body fades from Harry's side.

Harry slowly pushes himself off the door. He turns around, facing Sebastian who still has flecks of anger almost literally jumping out of his eyes.

"Who were you with?" Sebastian asks, still poising himself as calm and smooth as always.

"No one. I literally only left my house to go to school and then I got back. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet but you don't have to hurt me just because you're not informed about my whereabouts 24/7."

Harry feels the stinging pain once again after Sebastian's hand meets with his left cheek. A small shock comes when he hits him another time on the other side, this time hitting the area around his cheekbone. Harry stares at him again, this time with clenched teeth and sure eyes.

"If you hit me again, I'll hit you back and you don't want that," Harry tries to sound as calm as he can, act like his heart isn't racing and his knees aren't turning into jelly. His voice shakes less than he thought it would and the threat leaves Sebastian starting at him in mild shock.

Then he starts crying. Sebastian starts fucking crying as he walks to Harry and starts peppering his face with soft kisses. Harry stands there like a statue, confused at the sudden change in Sebastian's behaviour.

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