extra ii.

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6 years after Manhattan...

"No, that painting needs to go to the conservator first," Harry tells Mia for the 8th time. He even had to come to her desk for this. "Please, don't ask me about it again."

Mia nods, typing something into her computer before looking up at Harry again. "Sorry, last thing, I got an email from the gala's venue and they asked when will we be beginning the preparations because they've got an event there the night before."

"Really? Now, this too?" Harry sighs, putting the folder he's holding on the desk and leans against it. "If I weren't leaving next week I'd change the venue, honestly. Manon will be dealing with it while me and Zayn are in the States so talk to her. We're not coming back until the 16th, everything needs to be ready when we get back to Paris. I've gotta go."

It's not that Harry runs to hide in his office but he does run and hides in his office from everyone. All of the trophy wives and husbands of Manhattan made running charities and foundations really fucking simple. Harry realized only once he and Zayn had their own foundation that those real housewives of Upper East Side most likely hired people to do the hard work for them while they only went to events as "CEO"s to show off their gowns.

Running the office isn't terrible most days but he and Zayn are leaving for three weeks so they basically need to do everything they would've done if they stayed before their trip to the US. Add planning their wedding on top of all that and it's a madhouse. Today is especially crazy because Zayn hasn't been at the office since the morning, apparently, he had to "run an errand". The last time Zayn said he just has an errand and then disappeared for half the day, he got back home with a kitten. That's how they got Oatmeal. Ms Toe Beans wasn't pleased but now she loves her little sister more than her humans. Another honourable mention is that time when he had gone to get coffee with a friend and came back with half of his hair in length bleached and dyed green.

The glass door to Harry's office flies open and Harry nearly gets a fucking heart attack. He doesn't yell at his employees but when he sees it's his fiancé, well, that one can get a scolding.

"Are you fucking insane?" Harry exclaims, trying to collect himself. "You scared the shit out of me. Is there a fire that you're running around here like a madman?"

"I opened the door calmly, it's not my fault you're sleeping at your desk," Zayn says casually and walks to Harry's desk. Despite Harry's pouting, he's not completely wrong because Harry did indeed have his feet propped on the desk and his eyes might have been closed. Zayn lifts up his chin gently and gives Harry a fleeting kiss on lips.

"Where were you?" Harry wonders as Zayn walks to the chair opposite Harry's desk and sits down. "I swear to God if you brought another animal into our apartment I'm cancelling the wedding."

"For the sake of our wedding planner's hard work, I didn't do that," Zayn laughs. "It is a surprise for you, however."

"Please tell me it's not a disturbance to my relatively peaceful life," Harry eyes Zayn suspiciously. "I love you, but we're not sophomores in high school anymore. It was fun back then but I'm old now."

"Don't worry, grandpa, it's an inanimate object," Zayn teases.

"What is it?" Harry can't help but ask. He's lived with Zayn for more than six years at this point, he's kind of started to be terrified of surprises.

"That would ruin the surprise, duh," Zayn grins at him like the menace he is. "Honestly, baby, you don't need to have this wreck that smart head of yours. It's just a nice thing for you."

Harry lifted a brow. "I decided to trust this claim. I'm already stressed enough about New York to bother with this."

"See? Trust is the foundation of a relationship," Zayn chuckles and winks at Harry. "I can see how miserable you are, take a break, babe. I'll go check in with Cy how things are going."

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