Lollipop ( Sweetshop owner X Reader )

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You walked along the cobbled streets of your hometown, a small smile on your lips as you hummed along to the tune of your favourite song.            Your mother often scolded you for always wearing your (f/c) headphones, but you never paid attention. 

You were wandering around a newly developed part of town, hoping to find something or someone who catches your eye. Honestly, you found your area boring, even though you weren't a huge fan of bustling cities, at least there was something to do.    Sighing softly as you scanned the new road, your lips turned down at the corners slightly. Everything was just so...Dull. 

Whipping out your phone, you sent a text to a group chat full of your friends, the "Bad kids" of the town.     You knew the truth though. Anyone who met them realised they were just bored too. That's why you liked them, they had fun, and brought light to your mundane existence. Even if it was a little unorthodox. 

Soon enough, you received several replies from people, all bearing bad news. '​​​​​Looks like I'm alone tonight...'​​​​​ You inwardly groaned. '​​​​​​Aren't they supposed to be fun?' 

Out of frustration, you kicked a can someone had left on the floor across the street, and followed it's path with your eyes as it skidded down the street and into a small side alley, where it laid still.     

'Huh, how did I not notice this alley before?' You mentally facepalmed, and crossed the street to go explore. 

The alley itself was only around 10 meters long, and you felt your stomach sink at the prospect of more boredom. un​​​​​Luckily for you however, your eyes fell upon a small building towards the end. 

It's exterior was painted a light candyfloss pink, with little sweet motifs dotted around. There were large windows that showed the warmly lit room inside, at the sign above the doorway read "Cloud Confectionery".

 'Finally' You thought. 'This looks like my kind of place'

Unbeknownst to your friends, you had a massive sweet tooth, and a secret liking towards cute things and the colour pink. Maybe it came from having a family of mostly boys, but you were never really allowed that 'Girly' phase, and you felt a sense of longing when you looked at things like this. 

Your mind already made up, you swung open the door and stepped inside.

Inside the air was heavy with the warm, inviting smell of sugar and something else you couldn't quite place. The walls were stacked with rows upon rows of sweet treats, from bon bons to salted caramel fudge, and a few wrapped sweets, even some sugary drinks! Your eyes widened as you took in the peaceful music playing, and the candyfloss shaped lights hanging from the pink ceiling. 

This place was heaven!

"Miss? Miss, can I help you?"

A sweet (how fitting) voice broke the spell of wonderment that you were under, and a small hand waved itself infront of your nose. 

"Oh, sorry I was just uhm...taking in the scenery".You slipped your headphones off, your voice fading out as you looked at the girl in front of you. 

She had gorgeous dark skin the colour of coffee, and deep brown eyes to match. Her hair however was dyed a light pink, standing out as it fell in braids over her shoulders. She looked about your age, and was a little on the curvy, petite side, it made you want to cuddle and dote on her...

You wrenched your eyes away and met her gaze, as she gave you a small smile, her eyes also giving you a once over. 

"Like what you see?" You cheekily grinned. 

She loves me (not) F! YanderexF!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now