Take it easy (Disabled Yandere X Reader)

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You always woke up to her screaming for you. 

Being a carer was always hard, but then you got assigned to care full time for one particular patient. At first you were making multiple trips every day, using a lot of time and money on the journey, so she offered you accommodation in return for full time assistance. 

The deal seemed good, so you took it.

After almost four months of caring for Audrey Hill, you had gotten used to the unusual alarm, normally at around 6:30am. She liked to wake up with someone, but you wanted your own space, so she screamed for your attention in the mornings. 

Sighing and rolling out of bed, you grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped them on. 

"Okay Audrey, I'm coming!" You replied, exasperated. Whenever you didn't do what she wanted, it felt like she was slowly wearing you down, and normally you would have complied if it weren't for the fact that your room was the only private space that you had. Audrey wanted to know what you were doing at all times, and it felt like she was suffocating you.

You quickly opened the door to her room and made sure Audrey was okay. Sure enough, she was lying in bed, perfectly fine. You restrained a flicker of irritation and walked over to the side, where she was resting.

"(Y/N)nie, why can't you just stay with me?" She asked. 

"Audrey, I already live in your house, I need my space." You sighed, repeating the same words that you always told her. You knew she was clingy because of the accident, and that her parents never visited, so you tried to be compassionate, but she really tested your patience.

"But you know how scared I get...What if I fall and you're not there?"She pouted, giving you puppy dog eyes. 

"Well that won't happen because your house is designed for you, Audrey." You huffed, lifting her into a sitting position. She stared into your eyes pleadingly. Sometimes you forgot that she used to be a model before the accident, but now you understood. She was the epitome of "blonde bombshell" and she knew it, as you'd seen her flirting with male carers before you had moved in. 

Audrey had long, wavy blond locks, seductive green eyes and plump red lips. Her skin was a creamy white and soft to the touch. She made a point of caring for her appearance, and her large bust was always accentuated by the revealing pajamas and shirts she wore. You wondered why she always dressed up so much when she only saw you, but decided it was just a coping mechanism and chose not to question it. 

She had a good personality to match, and you supposed that you'd gotten lucky, considering spending time with her wasn't too awful. She was funny, and you always had a friendly back and forth, sometimes even teasing eachother with exaggerated flirting. The only thing you found strange was how she never wanted to go further than the garden, saying "all I need is you". Frankly you thought that was odd, but just assumed that she was self conscious of her disability. 

"Well my house might be designed for me, but this bed was designed for the two of us" She winked, her voice taking on a seductive lilt. 

You supressed a blush and laughed it off. 

"You know you'd get tired of sharing a room with me, I sleep talk real bad" She giggled at your reply.  

"I can handle it." She said, a glint of something you couldn't quite place in her eyes. You blinked a few times, then lifted her into the chair to start the day.

                            * * *

It was later on, around 12pm when you got the call.You were making lunch with Aubrey when a loud buzzing from your phone interrupted. Startled, you jogged the knife that was chopping vegetables, and cut into the top of your finger. 

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