Kill of the night Pt1(Yandere! Thief X Bounty Hunter Reader)

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You walked into the well-lit study. The butler who lead you there retreated backward, fading into the shadows in a well-rehearsed manner that servants were trained to uphold. A man was sat in a comfortable mahogany chair, reclined lazily with an air of practiced relaxation into the plush red cushions. He wanted to impress you with his superiority, you noted carefully, expression remaining blank as you spoke. 

"You had a job for me, sir?"

The man looked quite irritated that you had skipped pleasantries, preventing him from making the impression he so desired. The words he spoke had a harsh, snobbish quality to them. 

"Yes. Yesterday evening I was hosting a banquet-" A pause to test the impact of his words.

"-When my butler caught this young...beggar snooping in my office, looking for some valuables no doubt."He brandished a charcoal sketch of what appeared to be a young woman in your direction, well-kept nails crumpling the paper slightly. Wordlessly, you took the paper from his hand and examined it. This would be difficult to execute if you had no name, just a sketch. More money for you, you supposed quietly. You felt the impatient stare of the nobleman on your visage. You raised your eyes to meet his, granting him permission to continue the theatrics. 

"I am willing to pay you 50 gold coins right now, and a further 100 upon the delivery of the thief's hand." He reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a velvet pouch, and offered it carelessly in your direction. Silently you grabbed the sack and tested its weight in your hand. It seemed about right, so you decided to count later and tucked it into your black cloak. After all, you knew where he lived. 

You nodded your head once at him and turned to exit the house, sketch still in hand. The butler appeared once again to escort you out. You already knew the way. 


You walked into the dimly lit tavern, ears immediately hit with a wave of casual chatter and uproarious laughter from the locals inside. It was a Thursday evening, so the place was moderately busy. This was ideal for you. no one would be curious or try to engage in conversation. 

Making your way over to a booth in the corner, you located the person you were looking for. 

Flora Gwentine, a wrinkled, grey-haired woman who, for a glass of port, would give you information about whoever you needed. She was a frequent contact, and for you, one of the very few people you could talk to. Flora was let to give you the wrong information, so you slid into the booth opposite her and passed the sketch over. 

"This is well made, a rich guy hire ya?" Her voice was croaky, and had a warm undertone, as if worn down by many years of cackling at her own jokes. You simply gave a nod in response, opting to instead wave to one of the staff members walking through, and order a glass of wine. Flora examined the image in front of her closely, hand tracing her lips in thought. After a moment she rifiled through her breast pocket and produced a pencil, then scribbled a few words on the back of the page. She passed it back across the table, just as a waitress arrived with her wine. 

"Don't know her real name, only that some people call her Blondie. From what I could tell ya she lives somewhere on the east side of Ringvil." You frowned a little at the statement, this meant more work, but for the money, you didn't mind too much. Sometimes, it was even enjoyable to challenge yourself, especially when they put up a fight. This line of work wasn't always pretty, but you had learnt that is was the most stable income you could get. Mostly people liked you for it but other times... not so much. 


This was one of those times, you thought to yourself, as you watched the people on the streets move away, jeering. Usually, you'd prefer to take a quiet backroad to the person's house, but since you didn't know the location, that would not be possible. 

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