Breaking the Ice

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'What could that adolescent, small minded, cape toting fool see in that degenerate?!' Weiss thought for the umpteenth time that night. 'How could anyone like that… that womanizer?!'

Her thoughts continued in this fashion as she paced around her room. Weiss had finished her training early, so she had the entire room to herself. Everyone already knew that Ruby has a huge crush on Jaune, she was just trying to figure out why.

Before she could continue her 'brainstorming' though, a knock sounded at the door. "Hello? Weiss, are you in there?"


"What do you want Goofball?" She asked, using his signature nickname. "Ah, Snow Angel, there you are! I've been looking for you." Weiss could only massage the bridge of her nose at the sound of Jaunes nickname for her. "Jaune, what did I tell you about calling me that?" Her patience was already starting to waver. "But it suits you so well, there's no way I could call you anything else!"

Her patience was gone.

"If you call me that one more time I swear to all that is holy I will destroy this door and kill you." Silence followed, and nothing more. Believing her threat to have prevailed, Weiss smiled to herself and went to open the door, that is, until she heard a whisper through it.

"Snow Angel~"

Weiss always keeps true to her word. Jaune learnt this after the door between them disappeared and Myrtenaster was trained on his skull while he lied in a pool of his own blood. That last part wasn't Weiss' doing though.

She found this odd.

"What happened, Jaune, why are you covered in blood?!" Weiss surprised even herself with the tone of her voice. Was she… worried? "Oh you know, just a small training accident. I tripped and fell on my sword." Laughing weakly to himself, Jaune attempted to stand, but struggled on his own.

Weiss (for some reason) helped him onto his feet and brought him into her room. "Jaune, you're not that stupid, what really happened?" Jaune gasped heavily as he sat on Weiss' bed, then thought for a moment before replying.

"Team CRDL."

Jaune pointed to the large gash on the side of his head. "They're getting better." Many questions were swimming through Weiss' head at this point, but one stuck out in particular.

"Why would you come looking for me if you were in this condition, Jaune?" The question seemed to amuse him as he chuckled softly, which he immediately regretted.

Clenching his still bleeding side as Weiss applied first-aid, Jaune replied weakly, almost lucid. "While I was lying on the floor after CRDL's onslaught, I saw a beautiful angel dressed in white. Her fair skin was as light as snow, but her aura hid a sorrow that I couldn't even begin to fathom. She forced a brave-face but her eyes knew loneliness well." By this point, Jaunes wounds had been closed and was in more control over what he was saying. He continued.

"Weiss, why do you distance yourself from your friends? What happened in your childhood that did this to you? Why turn away help when all we do is care?" Jaune realised he had done something stupid when he saw the look on Weiss' face. "You don't have to answer that, it must be hard to remember."

Standing up and cupping his hands around her cheeks Jaune continued. "Don't be afraid to get help from others Weiss, I learned that the hard way."

Jaune leant down and gave Weiss a quick kiss on her forehead, he then left for his own room across the hall. But before he went, Jaune still had one more thing to say. "Even if you don't realize it Weiss, there will always be people there for you."

It wasn't for another ten minutes that Weiss realized what had happened. 'So that's how someone can fall for him…' She decided to get an early night before her team came back, to help clear her head.

As Weiss went to sleep, her mind clouded with questions, she didn't notice the golden eyes watching her from shadows.

And these eyes were ready for prey.

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