Making Assumptions

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Two days. There were two more days left until Jaune made his decision and Pyrrha felt like it had been an eternity. From the day she met him, Pyrrha knew that Jaune was going to be good, kind and caring.

But she never expected him to be so to a fault! 'That's it. He was crying yesterday, I've got to talk to him. I don't know where the conversation will go. But I don't care; we need to talk this through.'

Her resolve became unmatched and so Pyrrha walked to Jaunes bed and rustled him awake. "Hnnn, five more minutes."

She waited long enough, five minutes would not do.

"Jaune, get out of bed. NOW!" He jumped out of bed from the sudden uproar. "Woah, I'm awake! I'm awake!"

Jaune took note of his surroundings and noticed Pyrrha glaring at him. "What did I do this time?"

She sighed deeply and raked a hand through her untied hair. It was always so messy. "Nothing Jaune. But listen, get some coffee, wake up a bit more and come talk to me. We NEED to talk, okay?"

Jaune lazily nodded and set off to complete his task.

Ten minutes later, Jaune returned and gave Pyrrha a cup of coffee as he sat down on the bed with his own.

Taking a sip, Pyrrha jumped right into things. "Jaune, we've got two more days left until you choose. Have you gotten any closer to making up your mind?"

Hesitantly, Jaune nodded. "I-I suppose that I have…" Pyrrha eyed him sceptically, but returned to acting normal. "Good. Remember Jaune, no matter who you choose. Both me and Velvet will respect your decision.

Jaune nodded in response and took another sip of his coffee. "I'm still worried about what will happen afterwards though. The person who I don't choose will be heartbroken. I can't see how we can sti-"

"I understand Jaune. It worries me as well, but the only thing you can do is try to think of something else. There's no point in worrying over something that can't be avoided." Pyrrha offered her sagely advice and took another sip of her coffee.

Jaune smiled. "How did you ever get so smart?" He asked offhandedly, as if he was asking the question to himself. Pyrrha couldn't help but smile as well. "You don't become a four-time champion without a little intellect under your belt."

The two laughed quietly as they shared the comfort of each other's presence. Both unsure if it would be one of the last times that they could.

"It's Velvet, isn't it?" Jaune's head snapped up in surprise. He had not expected Pyrrha's guess. "What makes you…?" Pyrrha offered him a sad smile.

"You were crying when you came back. I could only imagine that you talked to her that day and she made you fall or her. You were crying because you don't want me to be hurt." Jaune couldn't look her in the eyes, they were too sad.

"I'm sorry." It was all that he could offer. Pyrrha almost laughed. "Don't be sorry for how you feel, if you love her then lover her. Don't second guess your feelings."

"But what about you?" Jaune felt like he should've been pleading by this point. He may as well have been by the tone of his voice.

Again, Pyrrha felt like laughing. "I'm sure I'll be able to find someone else eventually Jaune. It will hurt seeing you with her, but we're partners. I'm not going to just up and abandon you."

Jaune was astonished by the words that escaped Pyrrha's mouth. He simply couldn't believe she was so okay with it. "Anyway, I'm going to go outside for a bit, clear my head."

He could believe, however, that she was only acting okay.

Not trusting his voice, Jaune merely nodded as Pyrrha set down her mug and left the dorm.

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