Origins - Part 2

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{Silver's POV}

It had been almost a week since we had successfully defeated Skirt-face, and now we were in our training.

As of now, we were painting our elemental power symbol, while Ji talked us through it.

"There is more to being a Power Ranger, then simply mastering a sword. You must also learn to use your inherited Samurai symbol."

Mentor Ji said, and I smiled, as he turned to me, and smiled at me, and the symbol on my paper.

"Aw yes. The hidden shadows. Powerful, but also very unnerving. At times."

He said, and shadows swirled around me before they dissolved quickly, and I continued to practice. "Aw yes. Fire."

He said, and I smiled at Jayden, and gave him a fist bump, from under the easel.

"Yes. Water."

He said, and it came out of the paper, and splashed Kevin in the face, and I saw it was causing him to sputter, but he still looked happy.

"Good. Earth symbol." He said, as Emily finished, and a big rock came out of it, and hit Kevin in the foot.

"Oh!" Kevin shouted in pain, and I had to bit my lip really hard, to keep, from laughing.

"Sorry! Are you okay?"

Emily asked, and Kevin nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He said, and Ji chuckled, as he turned to Mia, and I looked at Jayden, who nodded.

Mia continued to paint, as Ji stood next to her, and watched. "Ah. The symbol, for wind."

He said, and wind blew out of the paper, blowing Mia's hair back, as it did, and Ji smiled. "Very good."

Ji said, and I looked at Mia across Emily and Kevin. "That's high praise coming from him. Great job." I said.

"That's not right." I heard Mike say, and I looked at him, and he looked at me. "What?" He asked.

"That's nowhere near right." I said quietly, under my breath, and Jayden took a small and fast look.

"You're right."

He said, and I looked at him.

"I know all the symbols. I may not be able to use them all equally, but I do at least know how to draw them all."

I mumbled, and Ji went over to Mike.

"The order of all of the strokes are totally and completely wrong." He said, and I looked at Jay.

Who knew just as well as I did, if not better, that practice was indeed how you master things, especially within this life as a samurai.

We all looked over at Mike, watching his reaction carefully, wondering if he would do something.

"You must practice more Mike." Ji said. "Practice. I get it." The gamer said, and he reached out to paint.

Before turning around and facing Mentor Ji. "How about a lunch break? You'd be amazed at how much better, that I practice my skills, after I have had a few slices of pizza."

He said, and I felt Jayden's shoulders next to mine. They shook hard, with slight laughter from next to me.

Ji gave Mike a look, but was clearly stumped, as he sighed. After one hour, a whole hour, of lunch.

Of course it was because Mike insisted on it, I was watching Kevin training as I tried to meditate, with Mike sipping loudly through a straw next to me.

"Hey Kev. Hey Silver. Do you ever take a break?" Mike asked, sipping loudly, I looked at him. "Every second that you are not training, is a second wasted."

I heard Kevin say to him.

"Okay! Don't blow a freaking gasket Water." Mike said, raising his hands, up high in surrender. "Don't call me Water either."

Kevin said, and I stood up, and grabbed a staff from the wall. "That isn't a samurai's weapon."

Mike said. "It doesn't have to be. It works for her, so she uses it." Jayden said, walking in quickly.

"Hey Jayden."

I said, and he looked at me. "Come on, let's go train." He said. I followed him out, and he looked over at me.

"Give it to me. Are you okay?" He asked, and I looked at him. "Jay I'm not injured."

I said, and he looked at me.

"I'm fine." I insisted, but he looked at me again, as I knew that he could tell I was now lying to him right away.

"You're lying to my face Silver."

He said, and I lowered my head.

"Alright, I'm not fine Jay. But can you please drop it?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"Fine. For now, but if it starts affecting your battling, I will have to bench you until you figure it out."

He said, and I leaned against him.

"I'm sorry. But I can't talk about it now, not now Jay. But I promise, I'll tell you eventually."

I said, and he hugged me gently, and I leaned my head on his shoulder, and I heard Mia running towards us.

I looked at Jayden, and he shrugged, and I looked over at Mia, who looked a bit panicked. "What is it?"

I asked, and she looked at me. "I can't find Emily anywhere." She said, and I left the staff with Jayden, and ran out with Mia, Kevin, and Mike.

We all called her name, until all of our voices were hoarse. "Is there any sign of Emily?" I asked, after we had all gone around looking for her.

"No." Kevin said. "Mia?" I asked the girl who had brought us together to find our missing friend. "Nope."

She said, and Mike came up the stairs with food in his hands. "You're eating right now? Did you see any signs?"

I asked, and he looked at me.

"Signs of what?" He asked, and I groaned. "Emily you dimwit!" I said, and Mia smiled. "I found her."

She said, and I looked over and down with her. "She's training by herself." I heard her say, and we all went down, to the park together.

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