Bonding time!

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Hawkins, Indiana

    It was the first day of the field trip and the losers were all exited. When they got to Mr.Clark's classroom each of the losers found their buddies and sat next to them. Bill sat next to Lucas, Bev next to Max, Stan next to Dustin, Eddie next to Jane and Rich next to Mike.
    "For the first day we won't be going out on any field trips" Mr.Clark announced
    " We understand you all tired from yesterday's long ride, so we thought we could do today a day of just getting to know your buddies, meeting new people and of course a tour through the school" Mr.Sour continued "Well we are just going to give you some time for you guys to get to know each other!"
    Over on Dustin's desk, Stan began the talking.
    "Why is your desk so disorganized?" Dustin furrowed his eyebrows.
    "No it's not! I don't see where my desk is disorganized."
    "Your books... they are..." Stan couldn't find the right word.
    "Piled up neatly over my desk?" Dustin completed.
    "No! See, why are your books over your desk?" Dustin was speechless, he really didn't care if his desk was organized or not, he really just liked paying attention to class and learn new things.
    Jane and Eddie were in silent until Jane remembered the question she was going to ask him the previous day, but never did.
    "Why do you have this bag wrapped around your waist?"
    "Oh! My fanny pack? It's for my inhaler and the gazebos Mommy forced me to bring..." Eddie answered.
    "What are... gazebos?" Jane asked with a confused look in her face.
    "Gazebos?" Eddie remembered the day he found out his mom was lying to him about his "sickness". The daughter of the old man that owned the store was there instead of the usual Mr.Keene. As always he asked for his "medicines", but as an answered he got a question.
    " You do know what these are, don't you? They're placebos."
    "Placebos? What does that mean?" He remembered her exact answer.
    "Gazebos?" Eddie paused for a second "They're bullshit!" Jane widened her eyes. She didn't know someone as small as Eddie could get so mad as he was right now. She liked it though.
    "Bitchin'" She whispered. Eddie looked over at her with a grin that looked a lot like a smirk.
    "Yeah... bitchin'!"
    Bill and Lucas were having a great time talking about things that they liked in common. Apparently redheads and tough girls wasn't the only things they liked in common.
    "So I c-c-call her S-s-silver! And every t-t-time I r-ride it I s-s-say 'Hi-yo Silver away!'"
    "You names you bike? That is surprisingly so cool!" Lucas was really enjoying his time with bill "I have this little thing on my bike where I can put my walkie talkie, and we'll that's probably the coolest thing on my bike, even though it's not cool at all..."
    " You s-sh-should t-t-totally na-n-name your bike to!"Bill stuttered
    " Yeah!But what should I name it though?" Lucas thought of all the names he could name it. It was a hard decision because once he officially named it there was no going back.
    "I d-d-don't know b-b-but I'm sure w-w-we can f-f-f-f-figure out something!"
    "Great idea!" Lucas agreed.
    Max and Beverly were having a lot of fun too. They were talking about all the cool things they could do together in Hawkins.Those tough girls were really brave, maybe even the bravest out of the two groups, hard to say.
    "We should totally have a dig dug competition!" Max suggested.Sure she had Jane, but Jane was really bad at it so she knew that she would win all the time, so it wasn't as exciting.
    "Well I don't really play arcade games... but Richie does!" Bev responded.
    "Yeah! Mike's twin, Mike doesn't really like him though... but really good!"
    "Well Richie isn't the only one!" Max sighed "Than I must teach you to skateboard!" And with that Bev smiled.
    While Ben tried to start a conversation with all the things he knew about all the books he read Will was just being... weird.Weird, Freak, Zombie boy, Fairy were all nicknames Will was used to. But today He was indeed acting weird.
    Ben noticed a drawing in Will's binder and thought of what to say right away.
    "Do you draw" Ben asked hoping he would get Will to finally say something.
    "Yeah..."He said something! It wasn't much, but it was something.
    "I don't draw, but I write poetry! And my friend Bill is really good at drawing too!" Will nodded.
    "Isn't it hot here?" Will asked as he touched the back of his neck. His facial expression, blank.
    "I mean it is pretty cold..."
    "He likes it that way!" Will stared at- nothing actually, it was almost as if there was something, something in front of him no one could see, except for him. But you could see, you could see in his eyes if you looked closely and as intrigued as Ben did, you would understand how much Will believed in it. He was scared and lonely he felt... cold. That's what he felt. Cold.
    Mike was practically laying on the desk listening to Richie's stories.
    "Yeah! Can you believe it? Stan is such a bitch!"
    "Language!"Mike mumbled. Richie looked over at him who looked bored.
    "But enough about me! How about you? What have you been up to?"Mike looked up at him and shrugged. "I'm serious!Your life can't be that boring!"
    " You know..." Mike layed back down on the desk " Will went missing and then we went searching for him, but instead we found El, so I let her stay at my house. Turns out she had powers and discovered Will was stuck in the upside down. There was this monster the only demogorgon... Hopper and Joyce found Will and El killed the monster and... disappeared..." He mumbled the whole thing so Richie wouldn't actually hear. But even though Richie could see well, he could listen things pretty well.

Hope You Understand - It x Stranger things crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now