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"Emma?" When I heard my name, I finally realized that Nicholas had been speaking to me.

"Did you hear what I just said?" He asked from the driver's seat.

I flushed. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

Nick gave my shoulder a teasing squeeze. "I was talking about your funny dietary requirements I had to tell mom about."

I sat up right away. That made me think of the first dinner we had together, which practically gave me panic attacks. "Shellfish, seafood. And... peanut butter."

Nick gawked. "Not peanuts, but peanut butter? You're missing out on life's greatest blessing."

I stuck my tongue out. "I have very specific dietary requirements."

He poked my nose in return. "Says the one who pigs out all the time... in the most adorable way ever, of course."

I protested as we turned into the driveway. As one would reasonably expect, Jonathan and Nicole Sheldon stayed in a gigantic mansion. It made me wonder how many properties they have, really.

Note to self: google their net worth.

Well, I would have been much easier-going, if it weren't for the stress of the whole Yuri thing. It was like a burden sitting on my chest.

As we pulled up around a little hedge maze, I could see a man tending to the garden. He was helping to shift some sacks, and it was clear that he was another one who didn't seem to age. Though more senior, I could recognize Nicholas' naturally-gifted ridges and stature in him. When he turned, the similarities were even more uncanny. Nicholas definitely inherited the best of both worlds from two already great parents, no wonder he was so ethereal-looking.

Nick waved, and Jon returned it. They met each other halfway and did that bro-hug thing that I never really understood.

"You must be Emma. It's nice to meet you." Jonathan held out a hand with indescribable grandiose.

I saw Nick look at the hand offered, and then open his mouth. "She isn't comfortable with —"

Before he could continue, I shook it anyway. Jonathan had a tight grip as he took my hand, giving a firm shake. I gave Nick a look of affirmation that I was okay. Next, he ushered us inside.

"Please, make yourself feel like home. I'm sure Nicholas wants to give you a tour too."

I nodded, and Nicholas took my hand as we headed inside together. The house looked peaceful, and it was impossible to imagine the owners being capable of crazy things like human experimentation.

The living room was stylistic and neat. Though it was more traditionally pretty than the modernity that Nick's own apartment offered, that didn't make it any less spectacular. Moreover, the tidiness of the place accentuated how big the whole house was. It was magnificent, but quiet. Maybe they liked the calm that way.

"You left a house as huge as this?" I gaped, doing a 360 spin. I plopped down onto the couch, testing the bounciness of the little lovechair.

Nick was watching my awe curiously. "Well, this is my parent's money, not mine."

"It's not like you live a life of modesty, either." I pointed out.

"True. Fine, the real reason was that I wanted my privacy. And it sure is useful, huh?" He joined me and leaned forward, teasing. "We can use it for... things."

His sturdy hand snaked around my waist as he leaned onto me. I made a hasty escape.

"Gosh, your mom can appear anytime!" I swatted him.

He chuckled, then rose and held a hand out for me. We proceeded up the spiral wooden stairs. There were numerous floors here, and the second seemed to house recreational facilities.

"I always thought rich houses like these were filled with staff and guards."

"That's usually true. But my parents think the same — the Sheldons love our privacy."

I tried my best to ignore that fleeting thought in my head: do you love privacy, or do you just need to avoid people for certain reasons?

We did a clean sweep of the second and third floors. There was a gym with more facilities than I remembered Celebrity Fitness even having, a movie theatre that was so huge it could technically become a commercial enterprise, a room to play pool and table tennis, huge enough to host tournaments, and even a ballroom large enough to accommodate hundreds.

"Wh—what?" I stuttered. "Is this even possible?"

"It's lavish, I know. Sometimes I'm convinced the whole reason why it's here is just to tempt me to come back and visit. But the real reason is that we have many guests."

"Other socialites?"

"Not just that. My parents are just about being socialites, but they really pride themselves in their business. Just look at how my mom is busy with on-the-ground work in the hospital, while juggling management. My dad's equally invested. So they knew they had to make these to accommodate clients they were meeting. Other than clientele, we can get rare visitors too. Politicians, other corporate conglomerates, sometimes even celebrities."

The description of power seems to match Yuri's. I tried to kick that thought out of my head again as we went back to the staircase.

"You have to bring me back here again, please? We can gym together, watch movies, play pool and darts and everything."

Nick sneaked a kiss. "Of course."

Just then, Nicole Sheldon stuck her head out around the corner. She always had a bright and bubbly smile, and managed to look classy even in a simple blouse and drape.

"There you two are. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Not at all, Mrs Sheldon." I scrambled to her. "Thank you so much for inviting me here."

She squeezed my hand. "I'm just glad you came. It's not so often that Nicholas brings guests home."

I raised my eyebrow and cast him a glance. He mouthed an innocent reply, see?

"Hold on, let me use the restroom." I said. Nicholas pointed the route to me — the one with the huge door just round the corner. I nodded, and headed in that direction.

However, I happened to pass by a little study room. My eyes instantly went to the Mac, and my fingers fiddled with the little thumb drive in the pocket of pants.

The answers can be found here.

Perhaps curiosity killed the cat, but I was dying to know. I craved the affirmation that maybe Yuri had messed it up. After all, I was so excited to walk into this new family, I wished their dark secrets weren't really there...

I cast a glance over my shoulder. I clearly heard footsteps and chatter as the two headed downstairs. They had said they'll meet me in the dining room, after I insisted I knew my way down there.

Should I? I fidgeted with the thumb drive in my hand.

Screw it. I should just check once and for all. For all I knew, this was some silly prank, and when I plug it in, a freaking cat gif will appear.

I laughed lightly. Maybe I'd rather that be the case.

With shaky hands, I plugged the thumb drive in. Considering this was a home computer, and their home was well-guarded to begin with, they didn't really have a password. It could be bypassed easily with whatever algorithms Kylie had used.

But I should have known that that was a trap too. When I plugged it in, the screen pondered for ten seconds. After the absence of action, it began to flash red.

I pulled it out in a second, but the alarming sound remained.

"Tanaka." But that voice wasn't mine.

I yelped when I heard the smooth voice behind me. My heart stopped as I slowly turned to see Nicole Sheldon standing right behind me, watching.

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