~ Chapter Four ~

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Logan was woken earlier than he intended to be awake by a loud ringing near his ear. He picked up his phone with a growl, checking the caller ID before bringing it to his ear.

"Roman, it's eight in the morning on a Saturday."

"How's your scaly companion?" Roman sounded entirely too chipper, considering the time and what they'd done the night before.

Logan rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow, looking across the room. The boy was curled up in a ball in the papasan, asleep with the blanket pulled over his body. Logan could only see a tiny bit of his scales, the ones near his nose.

"Sleeping properly for what's probably the first time in months, at the least." He reported quietly. "We talked a little bit last night... well, I talked. He writes English, but doesn't really speak it."

"Well that's good. A bit of communication is positive communication." Roman grunted and Logan wondered what he was doing. "So now... what do you do with him?"

Logan dropped onto his back, thinking about it. "Well first I plan to get him back to health. He's emaciated, most likely sleep deprived, injured, and possibly in danger. They'll know he's gone in a heartbeat. But once we're in the clear, and I believe he is on the road to recovery... I believe teaching him would be the best course of action."

"Teaching him what?"

"Well, his only interaction with most of humanity has been them laughing at him and beating him." Logan frowned at his ceiling. "I'll look into it further. Right now my main focus is helping him get better."

Roman snorted. "Just don't fall in love with him, you Vipersexual weirdo."

"I highly doubt he's venomous, and I don't plan on involving that kind of emotion into this." Logan rolled his eyes. "Where are you? It sounds like people yelling on all sides."

"I'm at my cousin's soccer game, kinda standing at the edge of the crowd. One of the kids just scored a goal... I'm serious about that though. Don't fall in love with him. You're not allowed."

"Won't be a problem." Logan sat up fully, reaching for his glasses. "Did you need anything else?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask if you had time tomorrow afternoon to help me with my AP Lit assignment." Roman sounded like he was scrunching his face up. "I just need you to proofread it and tell me what's wrong."

"Yes, I can do that. What time?"

Roman made an uncertain noise. "Can I get back to you 'bout that?"

Logan sighed and got out of bed, walking over to his desk. "You know how I feel about uncertainty with those types of plans, Roman... but I suppose I can wait. Please try to give me as much forewarning as possible."

"I will, I promise. I just gotta check, Patton and I are doin' a thing and I don't remember when he wanted to do it but I have it written down at home."

"Alright alright, just let me know as quickly as you can."

"You got it, Calculator Watch." Roman chuckled. "I gotta go, I'll text you later."

"Please do, I would like a time as quickly as possible. Goodbye Roman."

He heard Roman snort. "You're so formal. Talk to ya later."

Logan hung up and set his phone down, sitting at his desk. He was exhausted, having had decently long conversation with the snake boy that night. Or rather, that morning, because they'd finally gone to sleep around three AM.

He sighed and brought out his planner. He wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so it seemed most prudent to get to work on his assignments. He opened his laptop and started his work playlist, filling the room with soft classical piano music.

Logan actually got a good fifty percent of his homework done before he heard movement behind him. He didn't look up, assuming the boy would get his attention if he needed anything.

He was right. A cautious hand touched his shoulder after a minute or two.

"How did you sleep?" Logan asked quietly as he turned around. The boy blinked, then offered a hesitant smile and a nod. "Good. Do you need anything?"

He paused for a few moments, then made a motion towards his mouth.

"Food?" Logan guessed. Another nod. "I'll get some, give me just a minute."

He got to his feet, glancing at his phone to check the time before going upstairs. Almost ten, which meant his dad would be off at work and his pop would probably be out of the house.

The main floor of the house was silent. Logan went to the fridge and rummaged through for something his new roommate could eat, then at a second thought grabbed a glass of water as well. He carried the food (a plate with a few breakfast sausage patties) and drink back downstairs carefully and nudged the door open with his toe.

The boy was sitting in his desk chair, staring at his computer with intense interest. He had a peculiar way of sitting, sort of tucking his feet beneath himself in a way reminded Logan of a bird.

After a moment, he realized the boy was listening to his music.

Logan smiled a tiny bit and walked over, setting the plate in front of him. "Is this satisfactory?"

He got his answer when one of the sausages was whisked off the plate and disappeared past small fangs.

"I assumed so. I brought you some water too."

Logan backed off, giving him some space. He made his bed and tossed his clothing from the night before into the laundry hamper by the door to the stairs.

He felt a soft tap at his shoulder and turned around. An empty plate and glass were presented to him and he nodded.

"I'll be right back."

Again he went upstairs, putting the dishes in the machine. As he grabbed an apple for himself, a thought occurred to him and he paused.

"Should probably ask that."

Logan made his way into his room again and stopped in the doorway. "Do you have a name? I should have asked that earlier."

The boy frowned, then shook his head.

"You don't have a name?"

He grabbed the notebook and began to write.

'They only called me Snake.'

"Well that won't do..." Logan went over to his computer. "Let's fix that."

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