~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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{Possible trigger warnings: minor swearing

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"I mean, you've pretty much got this down Dorrian."

Logan glanced up from his book as Virgil got up from the seat he'd taken next to the desk. He'd been working on assessing Dorrian's capabilities in the hopes of getting him into school sooner rather than later, and his friends were helping out.

"I'mma be right back." Virgil stretched and nodded to Logan. "He could probably use a break though."

Logan closed his book and set it aside. "Good idea."

As Virgil wandered out of the room, he turned to his roommate. "You've been improving immensely. I'd say we could potentially get you into classes - or in public at the very least - after Christmas."

Dorrian smiled a little and wandered over to the papasan, flopping onto it. 'My head hurts.'

"Do you think you're getting sick?"

'No. Just need a break.'

Logan nodded. "Entirely understandable. You're taking in a lot of information, and you've improved rapidly."

He grunted, staring up at the ceiling. 

Frowning, Logan got up and walked over to him. "Dorrian? Are you alright?"

Dorrian made a face and sat up.

"I will take that as a negative. Is there any way I can help? I admit that I am not proficient in understanding emotions, but perhaps I can figure out a way to alleviate any issues you're having."

Dorrian scooted over in the papasan and Logan sat down carefully. It was a large chair by nature, but it still wasn't quite the right size to fit two people without some body parts ending up against each other. He shifted so his feet were tucked underneath his body somewhat, allowing Dorrian more space to leave his legs stretched out.

"Would you like to talk about what is wrong?"

The other boy contemplated for a minute, chewing on his lip and then wincing as he cut himself with a fang. Logan reached over and grabbed a tissue from the desk.

'Thank you.' Dorrian wrapped up the tissue and pressed it against his lip, then closed his mouth over it to keep it in place so he could sign.

'You remember how I went over to Roman's house the other night, correct?'

Logan frowned. "I do. If he's done something that made you upset, I'll give him another black eye-"

'No, it wasn't anything like that, calm down.' Dorrian looked down at his hands. 'We watched a movie, actually, it was very relaxed.'


'We watched Beauty and the Beast. He said it's his favorite movie, and he wanted me to experience the "glory of true love", whatever that means.'

Logan sighed. "Yes, Roman is like that. You either get used to it or you start making fun of him for it."

'I gathered that.' Dorrian nodded.

"So... what did you think of the movie?"

'I really enjoyed it, actually. Belle cares for Adam even before she knows what he looks like as himself.'

Logan raised his eyebrows a little bit. "Adam?"

'I think calling him by his name is a little nicer than calling him the Beast.' Dorrian gave a little smile. 'Reminds me of some old memories.'

"Ah, I understand. Continue with your story."

He looked over at the bed. 'There was a part of the movie where Belle helps take care of Adam after he saves her from the wolves... and you can see that she cares for him, even though she doesn't seem willing to show it yet. It sort of reminded me of the other day.'

"The other day?" Logan frowned. "How do you mean?"

'I know the roles are a little bit swapped, but it reminded me of when you were sick, and I helped keep you warm. I don't know why.'

Logan's brain short circuited. He wasn't sure how Dorrian felt about that incident, and he was not willing to reveal that it had been that moment that he realized he was in love with his roommate. But even thinking about it made his cheeks heat up, and he looked over at the bed as well to try and hide it.

'I told Roman what it reminded me of.' Dorrian signed when he turned back. 'And he got very excited.'

Nervousness began to curl into a rock in the pit of Logan's stomach. Roman hadn't told, had he?

'He said it meant I cared for you, that I could see you and I in two characters that were in love. And then he explained what falling in love feels like.'

"I... I see."

Dorrian was looking at him steadily now, and Logan fought another rising blush. What was wrong with him? Why was he feeling so emotional?

'Roman said falling in love is like losing control, but not really minding it. Like wanting to do anything to see the person you love smile, like playing tag with your best friend and catching up to them and pulling them into a hug. He said it's like,' Dorrian paused. He was still staring, it felt like he was seeing Logan's soul.

"Like...?" Logan prompted him, ignoring the awkward way his voice cracked a little bit at the beginning of the word.

'Like they saved your life.'

The dam seemed to crack in both of them at the same moment. Logan had never kissed anyone, and he was sure Dorrian hadn't either, but they both moved forward at the same time and it felt so practiced. His hands found the sides of Dorrian's face while one of Dorrian's hands found its way into his hair. He couldn't feel Dorrian's fangs at the moment, but the cold scales on the one side of him shocked Logan awake in a way he'd never felt before.

"I think I love you." Dorrian whispered as they pulled away from each other. Logan stared at him in awe, the soft lisp in his voice that his fangs caused sinking into his chest and causing his heart to skip.

"I love you too." He said quietly, beginning to smile. "And I love your voice."

Dorrian's face split into a wide grin, and he leaned in again. The two of them became a tangle of limbs in the papasan, fitting together as perfectly as their lips did.

"Oh my god, f*cking finally." Virgil complained loudly from the doorway to the basement.


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