Along Came A Baby

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Chapter 23

Yuri stood at her wife's side, too afraid to look anywhere but at her pale face as the light of her life was breathing shallow, shaky breaths.

Sayori was right beside the doctor, instructing her what to do or where to stand.

They were performing an emergency C-section after seeing what condition Natsuki was in.

The heart moniter had everyone on edge, beating very abnormally.

"Hurry, dammit!" Yuri screamed in frustration, tears in her eyes.

"We're trying, miss. I'm sorry but we can't work any faster." The doctor said calmly, his gaze fixed on the incision he was making.

Yuri growled and took a deep breath, staring down at her unconscious wife.

She's sleeping so peacefully through all this... Oh god... Please let her be okay...

The doctor hummed as he opened her up, his eyes widening a fraction.

"What is it, Dr. Williams?" Sayori risked a glance, taking a sharp inhale.

"What? What is it?!" Yuri asked worriedly.

"Her... Her appendix is burst..." Sayori said simply, gulping.

The doctor quickly got to work as Sayori and the other two nurses quickly did their parts.

Sayori came over to Natsuki, checking to see that she was still asleep and was breathing normally.

She caught Yuri's glance and nodded as if to say 'everything will be fine.'

Yuri nodded back, rubbing Natsuki's knuckles with her gloved thumb as she turned her attention back to her.

The sound of crying was heard as a small baby covered in blood and a strange green liquid emerged.

"Quickly! Clean her off! The appendix fluid's leaked onto them!" The doctor said.


Another scream soon filled the room as a second baby emerged, slightly bigger than the first but in the same condition.

Yuri's eyes widen in shock as she saw Sayori grab the baby and rush from the room.

They hadn't done an ultrasound, wanting to be completely surprised.

Looks like Natsuki's in for a surprise...

The doctor and one of the nurses took the remains of the appendix and disposed of it properly, working to clean it while also keeping Natsuki from bleeding out.

Yuri bit her lip as the seconds turned to minutes with them still working.

Eventually the doctor sighed, reaching over to grab something to seal the hole.

Yuri could've fainted in relief if she weren't still worried about her babies.

About ten minutes pass before the tension finally left the room completely and Natsuki was wheeled to a room to rest, carefully set in the hospital bed as the one from the emergency room was wheeled back to its original place.

Yuri sat in a recliner chair beside the bed, having brought it closer so she could still hold Natsuki's hand.

Natsuki woke soon after, grunting as she lifted her head, trying to sit up.

Yuri pressed her back down, smiling at her as tears pricked her eyes.

"Yuri..? What happened..?" Natsuki asked groggily.

"You did it, cake pop... You did it..." Yuri smiled, a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

Natsuki's eyes widened as she instinctively moved her hands to wipe them, noticing a needle and tube attached to her right hand.

"What- Why am I hooked to all these machines?!" Natsuki asked worriedly, "Did something bad happen to me?!"

Yuri nodded and kissed the hand still on her cheek.

"Your appendix burst... The doctor said it's a miracle you weren't in worse condition when he found it..." Yuri said softly.

"Where... Where's the baby?" Natsuki looked around, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"They're being cleaned off... We'll meet them soon..." Yuri grinned, sniffing as she wiped her own eyes once more.

Natsuki nodded then snapped her head back to Yuri.

"Them?! As in... More than one?!" Natsuki asked with wide eyes.

Yuri nodded eagerly, grinning widely.

"Twins! We have twins, Suki..." Yuri said softly.

Natsuki blushed softly at the nickname and smiled.

At that moment there was a knock on the door as Sayori entered with a baby in her arms.

Monika followed right behind her, also cradling a newborn in her arms.

"Oh, Yuri! They're precious!" Natsuki whispered as one was placed in her arms.

Monika handed one to Yuri as well, patting the woman's shoulder.

Natsuki grinned down at the baby girl in her arms as her eyes slowly opened with a yawn.

Natsuki gasped softly as she saw that her eyes were purple with a hint of pink, already sparkling.

Yuri nudged her gently, making Natsuki look over at her other daughter.

This one had bright pink eyes, like her mother, half lidded as the baby made a humming noise at waking up.

"Natsuki.. She has your eyes..." Yuri whispered, kissing her baby's forehead.

"Mine has yours..." Natsuki giggled as Yuri looked over to see.

Yuri felt her heart flutter as the baby in Natsuki's arms squealed and smiled at Yuri, giggling.

Yuri played at a small tuft of hair on the pink eyed baby's head, giggling.

"Suki... She's the spitting image of you..." Yuri noticed, showing off the light pink tuft of hair on her head.

"So..." Monika started, watching from the foot of the bed to give the new parents some space.

"What are their names?!" Sayori asked with a grin, bouncing on her heels in anticipation beside her wife.

"Hmm..." Natsuki hummed.

"I'd like to name one of them Naomi..." Yuri smiled at Natsuki.

"Jessica came up with the names Winter for a girl and Rex for a boy... So, Winter?" Natsuki shrugged and grinned at Yuri.

"Perfect." Yuri said softly.

"Okay, babies. Who wants to be Winter?" Natsuki asked.

The pink eyed baby hiccuped and yawned softly.

"We have a Winter." Natsuki chuckled.

"Then you're Naomi." Yuri cooed at the happy baby, making her giggle once again.

"Hmm... Winter Lilac and Naomi Luna. What do you think?" Yuri asked, giggling as the sleepy baby yawned and sneezed.

"I like it." Natsuki nodded.

"So Winter Lilac Owens and Naomi Luna Owens." Sayori wrote the names on a clipboard beneath the patient name.

Yuri carefully leaned over and gave Natsuki a long, loving kiss.

Natsuki kissed back as Naomi yawned and finally drifted off to sleep like her sister Winter.


(Hey, gays! I hope this makes up for the little scare I gave you! Also I tooooootally kinda maybe stole Prisky0731's Doki kid name "Naomi" lol Sorry! XD)

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