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Chapter 24

Natsuki let out a long groan as she sat up in bed for the fourth time that night.

"Mommy's coming, Mommy's coming..." Natsuki muttered, rubbing her eyes as she walked to the room housing her children down the hall.

She opened the door to see Winter standing in the crib, wailing with a beet red face.

"Let me guess. You're hungry?" Natsuki put her hands on her hips, watching as the baby stopped crying and stared at her.

Winter gurgled and babbled, bouncing on her toes as if trying to escape her crib prison.

Natsuki giggled and walked over, picking Winter up as she saw Naomi was still sleeping soundly.

"Tough kid." Natsuki smirked and covered Naomi with her blanket.

"Come on, ya crybaby." Natsuki teased as the child in her arms let out a screech and pouted.

"Good thing you can't talk yet." Natsuki booped her nose with a grin as Winter babbled on.

"Uh huh. Keep talkin to me." Natsuki giggled as the baby gurgled and babbled excitedly, seemingly telling her a story.

"Oh yeah? And then what happened?" Natsuki mused as she set Winter in her high chair to eat.

"No!" She fake gasped, her eyes widening as the baby kept telling her story.

"Oh wow sounds like a crazy story." Natsuki nodded and handed the bottle of baby formula to her daughter.

Winter squealed and guzzled it down quickly, pulling away with a hiccup.

"I keep telling you not to chug!" Natsuki laughed, picking Winter up to burp her over her shoulder.

Winter soon fell back asleep as her mommy bounced her softly over her shoulder, making Natsuki sigh in relief.

Natsuki walked back to the nursery and set little Winter beside her sister, smiling at her.

"Goodnight, Winny." Natsuki whispered, kissing her forehead as Winter started to doze off.

She walked around and kissed Naomi's forehead, smiling as her other daughter made a hum and shifted.

"Sweet dreams, babes." Natsuki whispered, winding up a The Tiny Mermaid music box as Under the Ocean started playing.

She walked back to her bed and flopped down onto it, causing Yuri to shift and wrap Natsuki into her arms.

"Naomi?" Yuri asked sleepily.

"No, Winter." Natsuki answered, running her hands through Yuri's hair.

Yuri hummed and moved again, laying atop her wife as her eyes fluttered open.

"I'll get them next time..." Yuri offered with a yawn.

"No, you get them during the day... You need the sleep." Natsuki smiled and kissed her forehead sweetly.

"But that's because you work during the day time! Let me help you out once in a while!" Yuri whined, snuggling her face in the crook of her lover's neck.

Natsuki giggled and held her tightly, sighing softly with a big grin on her face.

"It's okay, gorgeous... I can handle a few bottles and diaper changes." Natsuki said softly into Yuri's ear.

Yuri whined and shook her head as another yawn escaped.

Yuri didn't answer again, having fallen back asleep in Natsuki's hold.

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