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The clattering of plates and tray on the floor alerted the whole cafeteria who were now staring at him.

Kim taehyung knelt down staring at his lunch on the floor, he heard the scums laughing, his bullys, he refused to cry or acknowledge them, he has cried enough because of these assholes.

He blinks the tears away and lift his head to stare at the original cause of all his problems, he is sitting rows ahead on his almighty table, the reason why he's the most hated and most bullied in this school, Jeon Jungkook.

Everyone both near and far knew Jeon Jungkook hated Taehyung, Jungkook hatred brought hate and bullying to him, people bully him physically and verbally because they want to please jungkook and gets on his good side, how that works he doesn't know.

The first time taehyung met jungkook he was six and jungkook was 5. He had just been brought to busan moon pack from daugu red pack by is aunt after he lost his parents to rogue attack. 

his aunt had told him to go play on the play field.Taehyung had seen pups like him playing and jumping around, he wanted to join them even though he wasn't sure he would be welcome, before he could join the cheerful pups, he had spotted a little boy sitting by himself with his back to a tree.

His first thought was he's lonely and definitely needed a friend, oh boy was he wrong. Approaching that boy became the biggest mistake he ever made.

Kim Taehyung is known for answering difficult questions in class, but there are questions he has never had answers to "why does Jeon Jungkook hate you so much"? "what did you ever do to him"?

The thing is Taehyung doesn't have answers to those questions, because there is simply no answer to them.

The first time he spoke to Jungkook it was just a simple word "hello" he received a punch on the face for that, the second time he was anywhere close to Jungkook, he was pushed down the stairs and almost lost his life.

Jungkook hated him the very first time he set his eyes on him, he likes to think Jungkook hated him before he even met him, if that is even possible. And now years later he is still paying for uttering just one word. All he did was say "Hello" if only he had just ignored him and played with other pups instead.

He's snapped out of his thought when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, he blinks and brings his focus to the beautiful omega staring at him with concern.

"Are you ok" Jimin asked softly, concern evidence in his voice. How long has he been kneeling down here like a fool, he looked around the cafeteria, people weren't looking at him anymore, some were even done with their lunch and already leaving the hall.

"I'm ok, thanks jimin" Park Jimin the beautiful omega with a beautiful soul, he wasn't really his friend but they usually talk.

Taehung didn't have any friend, nobody really wanted to be friends or talk to him because nobody wanted to be on the bad side of the almighty Jungkook. Jimin is the mate to one of jungkook's best friend, so he is safe.

Jungkook has just two friends Yoongi and Namjoon, both alphas, they were literally the only people he talked to, plus his girlfriend Sana.

"come on stand up, I brought a mop and brush, let me clean it up, you go get something else to eat before the next class."

"Thanks jimin but you don't have to, let me do it" he tried taking the brush from him.

"Don't be silly" Jimin nudged him forward, "go on I had lunch already you go before the bell rings."

"Thank you" he smiled at him grateful, Jimin happily grinned back

Taehyung knew he didn't have any money to buy lunch again, so he just heads to his next class, english. Taehyung really liked english class, ,he wish to speak it fluently someday.

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