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Jungkook first tasted pinot noir grape when he was 4, one of his father's associate had brought it from France. As a child he  concluded it was the best fruit in the world.

Few months ago after setting up his mini bar, the first wine he ever bought was pinot noir red wine. Jungkook had a thing for pinot noir, still has a thing for pinot noir and will continue to have a thing for pinot noir.

To say he's speechless when the strong smell of his favorite wine and fruit hit him, is the understatement of the century.

"Fuck" he breathes out.

"Hey man you're ok? Namjoon asked genuinely worried, the younger looks like he has been transported to a different place and time. When the older saw his nose flaring around, he realized what was happening, he turned to yoongi and saw him already smirking at the younger.

Jungkook is trying his best, fuck! it's so hard. He's so tempted to go start sniffing everyone to find where the smell was coming from, it's so faint he needs more. He let out a breath he didnt even know he was holding, trying to calm himself down. He has a dignity and image to maintain, he is not about to start running around sniffing everybody.


Taehyung had changed into the servers uniform and started serving. He had seen when Jungkook walked in looking like he wants to murder anything that breaths near him. The guy never smiles, tae wonders what his smile will look like, he shook his head immediately scolding himself for having such thoughts, that is none of his business, he made a mental note to avoid him at all cost.

He filled his serving tray up with glasses of wine ready to serve when an unimaginable strong smell of wood? no, dried wet wood? It's so strong he staggered back a little, the need to summit got him shivering.The only thing his mind was supplying is 'my mate is here, my mate is here, his feet started moving on it's own.

Everyone in the hall by now knows what was happening, jungkook was about to find his mate. His true blood authoritative scent doubled making mated omegas whined and cling to their mate and unmated omega bare their neck in submission. Namjoon and Yoongi were already with their mate holding them tight, even though the true blood alpha's scent was making them weak in the knees they stood strong. The scent was not challenging so it was not really affecting alphas badly, the betas on the other hand already has their head down as a sign of respect.

Jungkook's world collapsed when he saw who the addicting scent was oozing from, he was shocked, angry, betrayed, how could the moon goddes do this to him? he wanted to murder everyone. He wants to murder that weirdo, first for smelling like pinot noir, its unacceptable, two for being his mate and 3 for being a guy. He can feel his wolf warning but jungkook has had enough.

Taehyung feets carried him to the main hall, the hall was too quite, strange he thought. He hears a loud growl, he turns and sees jungkook in the most scariest form glaring at him? his legs shook on the floor, what did he do to make him this angry?  is it because he came to the ceremony? Then the smell hit him again, Taehyung's entire world stool still, the tray and glasses fell scattering on the floor.

Namjoon didnt know what to do, jungkook was angry he has never seen him like this.It only means one thing, its not going to end well. Jungkook had found his mate but he was far from happy about it.

Seokjin is shaking in his arms, he knew there's nothing he could do to help his new friend. He locked eyes with the head Alpha who seem to be trying his best to maintain some sort of power. He looked over to the scene before him jungkook was glaring at the omega.

Namjoon has seen what being afraid looks like but the omega before him was beyond afraid, he looks horrified.

Taehyung can feel tears already dropping from his eyes, his hands and legs are shaking so badly he can feel himself vibrate.This is how he dies, jungkook finally is going to bring him to his end, his aunt oh his poor aunt, he is the only family she has left, she's lost everyone already.

DISASTROUS  II  Taekook ✔️    Where stories live. Discover now