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"Jinnie, come on baby open your eyes" namjoon said voice hoarse from all the screaming.

Namjoon has never seen or heard anything like this in his 19 years of existence.

Jin fainted in his arm, Jimin had gone into shock, he can still hear Yoongi scared voice trying to get through to his omega.

The head alpha was sweating, was it sweat? tears? he wasn't sure anymore.

It was choas.

Namjoon has read so many books about his kind, but he has never come across anything like this.

Taehyung was dying, he was bleeding badly. Mate marking is not suppose to make any one bleed, as a matter of fact it's suppose to bring pleasure to the pair, but this is a marking done by a full shifted true blood.

An older woman cries and scream wasn't going unnoticed, he's sure she is definitely related to the omega lying lifeless on the cold floor.

The noise outside has quite down a little, he's pretty sure they've all ran back to where they came from.

The true blood was howling in pain, his mate is bleeding it wasn't stopping no matter how much he licked it.

Namjoon can see the true blood circling the omega, licking his neck and face trying to stop the bleeding and wake the omega, he was restless.

The omega was loosing too much blood, he needs help or he'll die.

He heard medical ambulance outside, who called the pack clinic? Probably the head Alpha. Namjoon was too out of it to think straight.

"Namjoon, Yoongi" The head alpha terrified exhausted voice echoed in the hall. namjoon already knows what the head alpha wanted to say. He picked his mate bridal style rushing outside, yoongi doing the same.

He's met with another chaos outside, one of the pack medical team walks towards him, immediately putting his mate on a stretcher.

'What happened to him?" He asked

"He fainted from shock."

"We were told someone was bleeding badly and instructed to wait outside once we get here" the man said.

"That's another omega."

Just then jin stirred, eyes unfocused. "Where is he?, he asked with a shaky voice immediately his eyes settled on him.

"He's still inside"

"You left him alone in there with the wolf?"

"Not alone the --" he was cut off by the omega.

"Please joonie go back inside and do something, he needs help more than i do, please"

"Jinnie i don't even know how im suppose to help." he was so close to crying.

"Joonie please," he's mate was crying again and namjoon can't stand it.

"We'll stay with him" he turned to see jimin covered in a blanket, where did he get it from? he is looking better, thank goodness.

"Go" yoongi added, he nods, placed a light kiss on his mate's hair and runs back inside the hall.

The sight he's met with is sickining, the omega was still bleeding on the floor, the head alpha was on his knees looking helpless still trying to talk through to the wolf, the woman he presumes is related to the dying omega is still crying.

"Jungkook please he'll die if he doesn't get any help" the head alpha said again in a broken voice, the wolf only snarled in return, standing protectively over the omega.

DISASTROUS  II  Taekook ✔️    Where stories live. Discover now