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Seokjin parked his car outside a very well designed modernized apartment.

"Welcome to my home Tae"
Wondering how they are on nick names? Well they spent the last 3 hours at the market shopping.

Taehyung nods giving him a smile.

Taehyung knew seokjin was a nice person, but he didn't know he was this nice. He's only met the guy twice before today.

The guy had bowed to him smiling the first time he met him outside the school gate, Taehyung was shocked people don't normally acknowledge his existence.

Then one day he saw a very beautiful man standing beside a very beautiful car dressed all expensive smiling and bowing to him. Nothing like this has ever happened before, people usually scrunch their noses or spits when he passes them especially privilege idiots.

Taehyung definitely wanted to know more about the omega, so he may or may not have hid behind the school fence to know who the Beautiful man was waiting for. He didn't wait for long though, minutes later Kim namjoon friend of his nemesis came out smiling like a love sick fool, and pulling the omega into a deep kiss, taehyung looked away. He had heard so many stories about Kim namjoon's mate, that explains the riches, he was the Luna's cousin, to say Taehyung was dissapointed is an understatement.

"Help me offloads everything inside tae." he heard his new friend said opening his car boot.

They spent few minutes bringing out everything they bought to a small room near the kitchen, which he guesses is the store room.

"That's the last of it?" Taehyung nods handing the bag he was holding to him. "oh thank goodness I'm beyond exhausted!" Seokjin exclaimed.

Tae just awkwardly stood close to the kitchen staring at nothing in particular.

"Come Tae, dont be a stranger come sit, I'm making us lunch."

Taehyung protested, because he wanted nothing more than to go home, but Jin wasn't having any of it.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere until you have lunch then I'll drive you home"

"Seokjin -sshi" when he got a glare he quickly retracted, "sorry uhhm, hyung?" ok that sounded awkward.

Seokjin didn't seem to notice or wasn't bothered at all because he was smiling sweetly again
"Don't argue with me child you won't win" the older said in a tone that leaves no room for further argument.

Taehyung immediately shuts his mouth all will to disagree leaving him. Seokjin is clearly someone you can't win against. He smiles gratefully and takes the seat he was offered.
"Thank you hyung." he says gratefully, kindness is something he doesn't get to experience often.

"I'm making ddukbokki"

Taehyung licked his lips a little sound of excitement coming from his throat, he gulped.

Jin let out a small laugh,
"Hmmm I can see someone is excited."

Taehyung shyly smiled embarrassed. Good to go Taehyung embarass yourself some more. When he looks at Jin, his smile wasn't mockingly like he's used to, this smile is so genuine Taehyung couldnt help but smile wide.

"Don't get to eat it often" he mumbled.

"Well sweetheart, now you will. From now on all you have to do is come to your hyung if you crave anything, my restaurant is going to be wide open for you anyday, anytime."

"Thank you hyung."  Jin nods in acknowledgement then turns back to start preparing their meal.
"Hyung what can I help with?" he asked, trying to stand up.

DISASTROUS  II  Taekook ✔️    Where stories live. Discover now