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"What do you want?" The omega turned to him an unimpressed look on his face.

Not a good start but Jungkook can't back down "I didn't kissed Sana that day at school"

"What?" Taehyung looks genuinely confused

Jungkook sighs this is harder than he thought. "Namjoon told me the reasons you uhhm--" he paused watching the omega carefully taking in all the details display in front of him.

Taehyung is indeed the most beautiful creature in existence, he has really been blind his entire existence then. Jungkook wants to carrass his soft looking skin, he sighs mentally, his attraction to the omega is getting out of hand. "she lied i never kissed her and i never really got back with her not in the sense of the word." Jungkook managed to say

The younger sees the omega's expression goes from surprised to realisation then to something he can't get his hand on.

"Hmmm, atleast you did something right this time" Taehyung snorts eyes accusing.

Jungkook is really getting irritated, Namjoon said the whole thing had hurt the omega badly, Jungkook is not doubting that he was the recipient of that anger. Well he was expecting the omega to be relief or happy or fuck anything that is not the way he's looking at him right now.

"What is that suppose to mean?' He finally asked.

"You still fucked her doing your rut Jungkook" Taehyung said in a deadpan voice

"What has that got---" he sighs, he doesn't know why he's trying so hard. "I didn't do anything with her, it wasn't even like a rut fuck! i don't know what that was, i called her ok? but nothing happened, my wolf made sure of that" Jungkook rambled

"What do you mean your wolf made sure of that?"

"He made her smell bad , i just couldn't stand it, i don't know how he--"

"So let me get this straight" The omega cut him off, something that Jungkook doesn't take lightly, Fuck it's Taehyung what is he supposed to do?
"You called her to fuck her but didn't do it because of your wolf, so if your wolf didn't intervene you would have fucked her?"
OK Jungkook didn't think this far before opening his mouth.

"Well--" what should he say? He looks at the omega that was obviously waiting for an explanation. When nothing was coming out of his mouth, the omega sighs turning to close the door, Jungkook's feet was already moving on it's own to stop the omega, he just wants Taehyung to understand. Taehyung turns glaring at him then shut the door right to his face.

"Fuuuuck!" Jungkook moaned out from pain. "What the fuck is your problem?" Jungkook shouts against the close door holding his nose.

"You are my fucking problem, you tried to fuck someone else when you fucking have a mate." Taehyung shouts back from the other side. When did the omega get so freaking mouthy?

"I didn't fucking do anything!"

"You would've if kookie didn't intervene"

"Kookie?" Jungkook let out a humourless laugh almost sounding jealous. Taehyung is not even seeing that he's trying. "Fucking go be with him then."

"Oh with pleasure!" Taehyung screams right back.

Jungkook hit the door hard. "I'm fucking trying here"

"Try harder asshole"

He's honestly so close to breaking down the door.

"Jungkook calm down" Namjoon said from behind him, he didn't even know the older was still here, he fucking witnessed all this.

DISASTROUS  II  Taekook ✔️    Where stories live. Discover now