1. The Beginning

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4 years before....

"Baby...." Damir said to Autumn while kissing the top of her head. She groaned in her sleep, "Yes Damir, what's the matter?" He chuckled, "Baby, I have to go. It's...." He checked the time, "It's late and you know I have to help my momma move in the morning. You know how she is when I'm late, she'll snatch my ass up." Autumn giggled. Damir got up off Autumn bed and grabbed his jacket, he looked at her. "Gimme kiss.." He walked over to her, "Noooooo.." She faked whine, "Okay, well... I'm leaving don't ask for one when I leave." He turned around for the door, Autumn jumped up and ran over to him. "I'm just playing sexy, now give me a kiss before you leave." She smiled then wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled, "I knew you was gonna do that." She grinned at him. "Whatever, give me a kiss before you go." He kissed her, "I love you baby, don't forget that... Alright?" He hugged her one more time. "Alright, I love you more Damir. Call me to let me know you got it home safe." She kissed him one more time, then he was out the door.

Autumn was eighteen and lived on her own. Her parents was never home anyways so she decided once she turned eighteen she would get her own place. Her boyfriend, Damir. He helped her out a lot. They been together for 3 years, he was a junior in high school and she was a freshman. But, they seemed to click so well together so they got together and then stayed together. They are what you call high school sweethearts.

Walks into kitchen and yawns, "I'm so damn tired. What time is it anyway?" Autumn checked the time, she shook her head. "Really Damir, it's 4:25.... He should've just stayed here. Dumbass." She opened the fridge and grabbed a water, then walked over to the cabinet to grab some chips. Autumn walked into the living room and turned the TV off then walked into her room. "He needs to hurry up and call me so I can go back to sleep." She jumped up in her bed.

Autumn stayed up but she kept going in and out of her sleep, she just went straight to sleep. She knew he'll call and she would get up and answer it, sleep or not, she was gonna answer it.

4 hours later....

Autumn woke up and checked her phone, she didn't have no miss calls from Damir. She shook her head because he do that sometimes, he'll either forget to call her or just don't do it at all. She got out of her bed and went to take a shower so she can go pass his mama house to help move a couple things. Mrs. Goode asked her to come by to keep her company while her sons would be moving things out the house. After her shower, she threw on some Victoria Secret PINK black sweatpants and a pink tee, she threw on her black low top Converse. She made sure she had her phone, house keys, and car keys. She was almost out the door before she remembered her sweat jacket, it was kinda cool outside so she went back in her closet to grab it. She checked to make sure she had everything, "Okay, good... I have everything." She smiled, then she was on her way to Mrs. Goode house.

She pulled up to Mrs. Goode house and she parked her car really fast. There was a police car outside of Mrs. Goode house, she wanted to know what was wrong. She ran up to the house and seen Da'narde inside, she went up to him. "Yo Dee, what's going on? Why they at mama house?" He looked at her, then pulled Autumn in his arms. He held her close until she pulled from out of his hold, she seen he had tear stains on his face. "Dee..... What happen?" She started growing worried inside and her heart was beating almost out of chest. Da'narde started speaking before Mrs. Goode walked over, "Awe child, I'm so glad you made it." Mrs. Goode was on the verge of a break down. Autumn could see it on her face, "Mama, what happen? Is it Damir or is it about Delonte?!" Autumn couldn't take it nomore because she knew it was something bad, it had to be one of the boys. Neither one of them was there. Mrs. Goode grabbed Autumn hand and squeezed it, "It was my baby boy.... They killed my baby!!" Mrs. Goode broke down and Da'narde caught her before she could fall down. Autumn knew Damir was the youngest son, it felt like she been hit with a ton of bricks to the chest. She stumbled back while holding her chest, tears were slowly coming out of her eyes.

Autumn slid down the wall she was leaning on, she just couldn't believe it. That's why he didn't call to say he made it home because he never did.

2 weeks later....

"Jesus.... Help me, I'm sicker than a dog. Just let me get through this day." Autumn got up and went to the sink to freshen up. She looked at the mirror, her face was stained with tears. It's been two weeks since Damir death and it been the worst, she had gotten really sick. She can't eat, she can't sleep, she can't even be on her feet for long. It was six o'clock in the morning and she was getting ready for Damir's funeral. She was so upset because it was a close casket, if this was her last time seeing him.. She wanted to see him. She got ready and was on her way out of the door.

She pulled up to the church, then parked. She breathed in and out before going in, she was so scared. She wished Damir was with her right now.

After the funeral was over, everyone went back to Mrs. Goode. She was still at the old house, she decided she'll move after the funeral. Autumn walked up to Destiny and Diamond, Damir oldest sister and younger sister. "Hey girl, you doing good? Because, you looking not so good." Diamond said, Diamond was the younger sister and she was Autumn best friend actually. That's how she met Damir, through his baby sister Diamond. Autumn shook her head, "No, I'm not doing good. I've been sick and I really miss him... So so so much." She sniffed her nose and wiped her eyes. Diamond hugged her and Destiny rubbed her arm, "We all miss him, trust me." Destiny said. Autumn smiled, "I know..." She looked around, she just couldn't be here anymore. She wasn't feeling good and it was too many people there, she made her presence known and she said her goodbyes. And, she was out the door making her way back home to get some more rest.

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