2. Years Later.

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4 years later....

"Rylie, you ready to go to Auntie Diamond house?" Autumn looked at her 3 year old daughter, "Yes momma. Is Angel gonna be there?" Rylie looked up from her coloring book that was keeping her attention while Autumn was getting dress. "Yes Ry." Autumn slid her UGGs on, she wasn't dressed in nothing too dressy. She only had on True Religion jeans with a plain white True Religion shirt on, she decided to throw on her white sparkle UGGs on. "Okay, let's go before we end up being late. Go to your room and grab your bag. You know where it's at right?" Autumn asked Rylie and she nodded her head before running into her room. She came out with her Hello Kitty night bag, "Okay mommy, let's go." Rylie walked to the front door like the diva she is, Autumn couldn't help but to laugh at her. She walked behind her and opened the front door and Rylie ran down the hallway, "Rylie, do not run down the hall before someone snatch you up." Rylie stopped running because she ran into someone causing her small body to fall, Autumn had finished locking the door and ran down the hallway to pick Rylie up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see ha' when I was coming dow-" he stopped talking when Autumn stood up and looked at him. They stared at one another before Autumn began talking, "It's fine, I told her to stop running anyway." She smiled at him. He smiled back, "But still, I should've been paying attention." He looked down at Rylie, "Sorry cutie." She put her hands on her hips, "Next time, watch it man!" Autumn laughed right along with the man. He looked up to her, "Well it was nice meeting you...." He stopped so she could say her name, "Autumn. My name's Autumn." He put his hand out and she shook it, "And, what's yours stranger?" Autumn giggled, "Oh, I'm sorry. It's August." He smiled. "How funny, we have nature names." They laughed, "Well, I haven't seen you around before." August nodded his head, "Yeah, I just moved hea' not too long ago." Rylie started tapping on Autumn leg. Autumn looked down, "Yes baby?" Rylie pointed to the door, "Momma, we're going to be late. Remember?" Autumn laughed, "Okay okay okay." Autumn turned back to August, "It's okay, I live at door 304. We're run into each other again." He smiled, "It's so funny, I live right across from you. I live at door 302." Autumn smiled. He chuckled, he touched his head and ran his hand across his hair. "I'll see you later, I don't want to make lil mama late." Autumn smirked, "It's okay, but I'll see you sometime later then." She smiled and began to walk off with Rylie.

Autumn didn't know what it was but she felt comfortable around August, usually if she bump into someone she would've grabbed Rylie and ran out of the door. There wouldn't been a conversation about where he lived or name exchanges. Autumn isn't too fond of certain people. She's been like that for as long as she could remember, she's a people person. But, she's careful when it comes to her daughter around people she doesn't know. But, with August.... She doesn't know what it was, it wasn't too much of a conversation but it was enough for her to say he isn't a creep. He seem all too familiar like she seen him before. She can't put a finger on it just yet. Before her next thought could come in, she was in front of Diamond house before she knew it.

Autumn looked in the backseat of her car to see that Rylie was knocked out, she shook her head. "Look at her 'Momma, we're going to be late. Remember?'" Autumn laughed at herself because of Rylie diva ways. She got out and went to Rylie side, she grabbed her out of the car and grabbed her night bag. Rylie stirred in her sleep. Autumn locked the doors and began walking up the pavement, she walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. She waited for the door to open. She could hear Diamond yelling to Angel and Amir to stop running wild like they had no sense. Diamond open the door and greeted Autumn with a sleeping Rylie in her arms, "It took you long enough boo, c'mon in." Diamond opened the door wider for Autumn to come through. "What took you so long?" Diamond walked behind Autumn into the living room, Autumn laid Rylie down on the couch and turned around to face Diamond who couldn't get no more ghetto. She had her hands on her hips while she had on some bootylicious sweatpants with her hair hanging down to her ass. "So?" Diamond said switching over to the other couch so she could sit down, "Your niece act just like you, I'm gonna stop bringing my baby over here Mrs. Ratchet." Autumn laughed, but Diamond rolled her eyes. "Bïtch, fück you. Ratchet dat! Now you got here late. Why hoe?" Diamond grabbed her phone out her sweat jacket pocket to check the text she just received. "I met someone today while me and Ry was on our way here." Autumn leaned against the wall, looking over towards Diamond. "Yeah, whateva. Was he cute?" She leaned back and folded her legs, "Girl yes, he really was cute. And, he had this sexy aśs accent from like down south New Orleans type shït. You know I been kinda liking them down south brothas since I moved down here to Atlanta in High School." Autumn got tired of standing so she walked over to take a seat next to Rylie on the couch, "Girl, it ain't nothing like 'em!! Aha! You all from up north and shit but once you had a taste of my brother you just couldn't go back to the niggas you had liked." Diamond smirked, "Girl, get out my damn face being ugly and shït." They both laughed, "Whateva boo. But, I'm gonna let you go bestie. I know you want to get going so you can be with yo lil boo." Autumn rolled her eyes, "Bïtch bye, I'm leaving. You probably getting some dïck that's why you want me gone hoe." Autumn stood up and walked over to the front door, "Girl, Tony coming over. I'll be riding his face tonight fo'sho." Autumn burst out laughing. "Get your life, I'm leaving I need to call Derrick. She said he was coming over." Autumn opened the front door, "Get out my house hoe, I'll see you when I drop my baby off." They exchanged hugs and said they goodbyes.

20 minutes went by....

Autumn was walking into her building, she checked her mail and didn't get nothing but trash. "Stop sending me this grocery shït." She started walking to the elevator, she got on. She pressed '3', it came to her stopped and she walked off going to her apartment. Autumn was looking at phone till she fell back to the ground and she looked up to see August. He rushed down to help her up, "I just keep knocking y'all down today." Autumn smiled, "Yeah, it was my daughter first. Now, me. You better watch it." He chucked. "I don't want to get hurt by lil mama, matter fact where's she?" He looked around, "I dropped her off at her aunt house. Why are you out your house again bumping into people again?" She smirked, "I was going to check my mail but I'm pretty sure I haven't got anything yet." She nodded her head, "Well, I don't want to be the one to hold you up August." She smiled and began walking to her door, "Wait ah minute, what are you doing home on a weekend?" She turned around, "Well, I don't know. I have nothing to do tonight like usually." He walked over, "Wanna go with me? I haven't been in Atlanta in a minute, I just wanna go out and chill." Autumn pretended to think, "Um, nah." He nodded his head and poked the side of his mouth with his tongue. "I'm just kidding, I would like to go with you. I wasn't trying to be stuck in the house anyway." Autumn smiled and August chuckled, "That's where lil mama get it from. She act just like ya." Autumn looked over at him, "That's ridiculous, we're fine we just have our diva ways." They both laugh walking onto the elevator.

Rylie in the multimedia.

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