8. Welcome Home

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Month later.....
May 12th, 2015 ; 3:25 p.m.

August parked his car and hopped out after he grabbed the flowers from the passenger seat, "Today is the day." He said as he begin walking into the hospital, he checked himself in and went up to Autumn hospital room. He took a deep breath before walking in the room, Autumn doctor was in the room talking to her about very important information.

Autumn looked his way and gave him a small smile, after the doctor was done he began walking towards Autumn to give her the flowers, "Here you go." He said as he passed her the flowers, "Thank you Aug." Autumn said, "Remember what I told you?" August asked, Rosè playfully rolled her eyes, "Yes, I remember." She said. "Aight coo'." He said with a smirk.

Autumn been in the hospital for a month after the accident, the doctor came out and told everyone that she had been shot in the abdomen, plus one time in her chest and in her shoulder. But, her getting shot in her abdomen, that was the cause of all the blood that she had loss, she had to get surgery to her bladder. She still has to take it easy, but, she was lucky enough to survive the shooting the doctor had told everyone.


4:30 p.m.

"You got it?" August said, he held all of Autumn bags, "Yes, I'm fine. Leave me alone Aug." Autumn whined as she slowly walked into their apartment building, "Just making sure." He said.

August continues to blame himself after the accident, he knew of he didn't push her to go out that night that she would still be fine.

They reached Autumn door, "Here you go." August passed Autumn the keys, "Thanks." She mumbled, she unlocked the door and to her surprise it was a 'Welcome Home' banner hanging up, with pictures that Rylie drew everywhere hanging up. Autumn covered her mouth and teared up, "Surrrrprise bestie!" Diamond said excitedly, "Awe, thank you guys." Autumn said after she fanned her tears away, "MOMMMYYYYYYYY!!!!" Rylie yelled, she ran up to Autumn and hug her leg tight, "I missed you mommy." She said, "I missed you, too." Autumn asked, she couldn't pick Rylie up because she was still healing. She bent down, being very careful of her wound, she gave Rylie a tight hug.

"Come on mommy, both grandmas missed you. And, Auntie Apryl, everyone mommy, everyone!" Rylie said as she spread her arms out trying to explain, everybody laughed.


Few hours later....

Autumn yawned, "I'm tired." She said, August looked at her, "Go head to bed, I'll finish cleaning up for you." He said, she looked at him, "No, I want to help you. I think I did enough sleeping." She said, "Nah nah nah, what I tell you?" He said, "Ugh August," Autumn rolled her eyes, "You said, 'Get rest. Chill out. I got everything you need. Even if you taking a shower, I got you.'" She said, "Right, so go head and chill out. Unless you want to take a shower wit da Yung?" August said with a grin on his face, Autumn punched his arm, "Dirty ass." She said as she laughed, "I know." He winked, Autumn just rolled her eyes at him as she went to her room.

Fifteen minutes, August was done cleaning up. He went to check on Autumn, he heard the bathtub water running and Autumn music playing softly in the back. He covered his eyes and walked inside, "Aug, what do you want?" He heard Autumn say, "Just checking on you." August said, "You can uncover your eyes, the bubbles are covering everything up." She said, "You sure?" August asked, "Yup." Autumn said as she popped the P, August removed his eyes and looked at all the candles, "Damn, you could've invited me to take a bubble bath." He said, "Shut up." Autumn said and giggled.

They talked for two hours straight, August looked at his watch, "Bruh, get out the tub. You probably look like a raisin." He said, "I need to, most of bubbles are gone." Autumn said, "I'm bouta go home ugly." August said as he stood up off the toilet, "Aight, I'm gonna call you when I lay down for bed." Autumn said.


12:30 a.m.

Autumn made herself comfortable in her bed, "Oh, I missed this bed so much." She said as she snuggled around all the pillows that was surrounding her. Autumn grabbed her phone and FaceTimed August, he answered, "Where you at?" Autumn asked as she pouted, "I had to run out to meet Nicki." August said, he was driving his car and trying to balance his phone at the same time. "Tell her I said hi." Autumn gave a fake smile, "Will do, but look, I'm gon' call ya back. I just got hea'." August said, "Alrighty." Autumn said, she hung up the phone before saying goodbye.

Autumn sat her phone down, but, it began ringing again, she seen it was August calling back. She ignored it and drifted off to sleep.


2:45 a.m.

Autumn began groaning in her sleep, "Ugh, it hurts." She moaned, she got up out her bed and walked out to the bathroom, "Fuuuck." Autumn groaned and held her lower stomach, she got to the bathroom and found her pills and took two of them to stop the pain.

She limped back in the room so she could lay back down, she softly cried to herself once she got in the bed. "Autumn... you up?" She heard August voice, she didn't say anything. She just continued to cry quietly, she wiped her face. "Autumn, I know you're up. Why you ignore all my calls earlier?" August said, she heard him walk towards the bed and sit down, he sat down and pulled the covers off her head. August seen that she was crying, "What's wrong? You okay? You want to go back to the hospital?" August went on and on, Autumn shook her head no.

"No, I'm fine. I just want to sleep." She said, "Aight, I'll leave after I know you're sleep." He said, she nodded her head.


3:05 a.m.

August turned the television off and went to check on Autumn, he seen she was knocked out. He had his night clothes on so he just climbed into bed with her, he wrapped his arms around her waist being careful of her wound.

He rubbed it and kissed the back of her neck, "Damn... I'm falling for you girl." He whispered.

August whole purpose of being here was to protect Autumn, for Damir. Months before he met Autumn he had received a letter in the mail from Damir. Damir asked could he keep his girls safe for him till he came back, but, he wouldn't know how long it would be this time. August was a close friend to Damir, but, he was a friend that barely came around, simply because he was running shit around the city. He left two nights before Damir fake death, he didn't know nothing about it being fake, he had received a phone call about a funeral. Long story short, he fucked up by not telling Autumn about him being here for a reason and getting close to her was not one. Falling for her wasn't one. Now, August has to try to break this bond up and keeping it a friend only thing.

He tried telling her tonight he was hanging with ole girl Onika, so that can keep Autumn distant, whether she liked him back or not. He put her to a test to see if she was feeling him or not, and he found out his answer that night.

August groaned, the sun had shined bright in his eyes as he tried gripping Autumn closer, but, she wasn't there anymore. He woke up to a empty space and Autumn standing by the window with the blinds up, "Autumn what you doing?" Autumn asked as he squinted his eyes, "Getting your ass up." She said, "And, why is that? I was sleeping good." August said, "I can tell." Autumn said, she walked out the room. August wiped his hand down his face, "Fuck." He mumbled, he got up out the bed and followed Autumn out the room.

Autumn was on the couch when August came out to follow her, "You good?" August asked her as he sat beside her, "Mhm." She said.

August could tell that she was lying, something was bothering her and he hated when she wouldn't tell him. He gently picked her up and sat her down on his lap, "Something is wrong, tell me." He said, she laid her head on his shoulder. "Aug, it's nothing." She said, "It is, tell me." He said, she sighed.

"I can't, I'll tell you when I'm ready." She said, "Aight." He said then gave her a kiss on the cheek.


Photo: Autumn

It's been a long time coming, but, here you go. I was writers block, for all stories. So, I had to throw something together and yeah. It's not the best, but, it's something till I get my head back in the game!

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