Chapter 04: The First Exam.

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As class ended, Michael, Sarine and Jase rushed outside the academy to talk about what is happening.

"So what is going on here? Is this a dream or what?"
"Can you shut up for a second, while you are here nagging, Jase is panicking."

Michael turns to Jase and sees him pacing around, biting his nails, muttering words that sound like nonsense. Michael gets up, grabs Jase, and stares him in the eye.

"Calm... the fuck... down!"

Jase stops and sits down instantly.

"Shh there is someone here! BYAKUGAN!"

Sarine scopes the place and sees a tall man with one white eye and one blue eye.

"Heh, how'd you know it was me?"
"Because I saw you with my Byakugan!"
"Ah it's you Surada. My granddaughter."

Michael and Jase are paralyzed with amazement.

"A.. Are you real?"
"Hahaha, yes I am. Listen I am here to confirm to you that this is not a dream. But I am not allowed to tell you anything more because my wife Sarada won't let me. So what I need you three to do, is pass the graduation exam. This year it will be a written test, a three team squad experiencing an ambush, and a battle against a Jonin."
"Grandpa Boruto, why do we have to do all this? Can't you just tell us?"
"I believe I can't, ya know. Sarada wants you guys to be Genin so that she can teach you all you need to know."
"Fine, let's do this then."

Sarine turns to Michael and Jase both sitting amazed at Boruto.
She walks towards them both and drags them both towards the academy.

A few hours later, they are all seated in the classroom again. Kashaki enters later holding a pack of papers.

"Your first exam is written. There will be 4 other jonins seated around here. If you are caught cheating, you are to be failed instantly."

As soon as Kashaki finishes, 4 ninjas appear next to each row. (4 rows, 4 columns, total 36 students).
Kashaki begins to distribute the papers.

"Remember, only if you are caught cheating, you are failed."

Sarine turns to Michael and Jase, all 3 smile. Sarine isn't smart in this case, but Michael and Jase are.

"Your test starts now!"


She tilts her head a little towards Michael, who has already finished 4 out of 10 questions. Then she looks at Jase and he has 6 out of 10 done.
Damn they are fast!

She looks around and notices that everyone is using a way to cheat. One has a third eye floating high above the class, another has chakra strings connected to someone else. I guess with my Byakugan, i can see all that. Anyway let's finish this test.

She turns her head towards Michael and copies everything before he finishes and leaves. Jase on the other hand, finished his test and submitted it.

"You, second row on the left! Your chakra strings are way too visible to my Byakugan. You and your accomplice are fail!"

Sarine looks at the jonin that yelled. Mom?

Surada's mother turned towards her and waved smiling.

An hour later, the test ended with 16 fails and 20 passes.

"That was really harsh. Even my mother was harsh. Her having the Byakugan? That was really unfair!"
"Yeah well at least we did not do anything to cheat. Not that we had anything, me having Red Lightning and Jase with Dust. Really won't help."

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