When you are made to feel as though you are just something that has been borrowed, you start to think that is all you are worth. Something that is borrowed has no worth, has no meaning. Something that is borrowed is like checking out a book from the library, free of charge, and if you forget to return it, there is hardly a consequence to be spoken of. Something that is borrowed is taken for granted, for why would one be concerned about that in which is given out freely? The need to care for it is rather underwhelming. Sure you'll do something with it every now and then, but only when it suits your needs. It becomes interesting when you have nothing better to do. Otherwise it's just there, another worthless thing existing in the universe. Nothing special, since it has little significance, until you say so. But waiting for you to say so is like waiting for every single dog and cat to get along. Disappointing and ridiculous. Something borrowed is not something that can be loved.
PoetrySometimes you just need to say something, even if nobody else understands....