
354 23 175

shout out to all u muda-fcukin' ghoties readin' lol hope u likeeyy

song / jamie all over by mayday parade

photo / caaalcium ((he looks real intimidating omf))

keek assdfghjkl [cake]

.: e n j o y :.


"So. You showed up."

I jump back, frightened by his presence from behind.

"Didn't think you would, really."

"How would you even know?" I scoff. "Not like you were there with."

I'm sitting on the bench outside the station with a book Luke lent me to read. My excuse to myself being I'm waiting on Carol; something important. When in reality, I'm waiting out here for the exact person who just showed up.

"I was there actually. I watched you from afar."

"Creep much?"

Calum shakes his head, tugging at his coat for more warmth. "You came. Then you sat down and in your eyes . . . It was your first sunset, wasn't it?" It's like he gets deep, then quickly draws himself out of it before he thinks I'd take notice.

I smile, nodding trying hard to get rid of the knot deep in my throat.

He leans closer to my side of the bench, hands dug deep into the pockets of his coat. "Maybe next time," he pauses, smirking to himself. "We can watch it together together."

Next time? Next time. He wants there to be a next time. Okay.

I turn my head ninty degrees to the right only to find his face a few centimeters away. I don't say anything but admire his profile so up-close. You can barely see his hair under his decorated beanie.

Calum licks his lips and his stomach begins growling.

"Sounds like someone hasn't eaten all day."

"Food in there is only for the officers." His thumbs points to behind us, at the station.

I still wonder day and night what he could've done to get himself five hundred community service hours yet never dare to ask the lad.

"You should head towards the Sugar Bowl then. They make a mean burger." I say, my mouth beginning to water at the sound of Betty's famous burgers. "If you do decide to go there, order Criss's mix."

Calum begins messing from the inside of his mouth on the little black stud. "Where'd that be?"

"I'd show you."

"Maybe you should."


Rick, Spenille, and Betty are all behind the counters working hard. Betty's got the cooking (of course) and Rick's does the orders whilst Spenille skate's around taking them.

I lead us straight to the booth I always sit at. I climb in on side and Calum makes his way to across from me.

Spenille rolls over in her skates and greets - not just me both of us. "Crisstina! What can I get you and your, rather fine friend."

I clear my throat and smile, telling her to get us both my usual.

"So. You come here often?" Calum fumbles with getting his big coat off.

I slip my mittens off and my heavy coat as well easily. "I was just here a few hours ago. Does that answer your question?"

I look around realising how much memories fill every inch of this place. "See the dent in the wall," I point where to I'm talking about. Calum twists in his seat to get a good look. "That was when I was eleven. We were here after a football match - they had won that day. Diego was playing with Locke's skates and we all thought it'd be funny to give the poor lad a push. He went rolling straight for the wall. We kept telling him to steer. Turns out he'd never rode any before and when he went hurling for the wall, that's when it hit us that he didn't know."

Our food is done before we know it and it time for digging. I tell Spenille to get two milkshakes ready for when we're done because you can't come to the Sugar Bowl and not get a milkshake. I look over at Calum before I start and for the first time he's showing some skin. He's cuffed up his sleeves, careful not to get them dirty as he eats. And on one of his forearms, I see he got a tattoo. Two actually . . . that I can see.

It's of baby bird looking one. There's something underneath and I take a little more glances than I probably should at it to see what it says: Mali-Koa.

I've never seen anything so beautiful and so deeply, I wanted to ask what it means. Again that's not the time for that. Maybe one day I'll even get to explore all of his - oh, Criss!  Snap out of it.

He doesn't say anything as he eats and I don't find any point to speak either. Whilst he's eating, I spot two other ink stains I'd never noticed before. One on each hand. More letters? I shake my head and around the time I finished, I look around quietly to myself.

"My brother used to bring me here all the time."

"Used to? What about now." He says, wiping the side of his mouth with a napkin.

I don't know if I'm supposed to be intimated by him, seeing as he is three years older than I, though for some reason I'm not.

"He's not 'round anymore."

Tension hit at our table and if it wasn't for the milkshakes, maybe things would've never gotten better.

"Have you ever been Sky Diving?" I blurt not caring how at random it was.

Calum shakes his head and slurps the last of his chocolate milkshake.

"Michael almost took me once."


"Then I wussed out and he took my friend Luke instead. They had a good time. That was back then - you think I got the guts to do it now?" I bite on my straw, studying his expression.

It took a couple seconds but he answers, "I think, I think there's nothing out there to challenging for our rebel."

I smile so wide it makes the little wrinkles by my eyes pop. "You think so?"

"We'll do it together."

My smile got bigger (if that was even possible). "Pinkie promise?" I hold out my pink over the table for him.

He looks down at it for a few then brings his hand up. "Pinkie promise."

Calum's pinkie wraps tightly around mine and he gives them a little shake. He looks up at me and smiles genuinely and without thinking, I'm biting my lip again. When I take notice, I almost slap myself for it.

We get up and make our way out after he paid for everything (he insisted). We're walking in the cold, clutching onto our coats for dear life.

"Don't you have a curfew or something?" He asks with all seriousness.

I furrow my brows as to why he would ask. "Maybe . . ."

Calum chuckles under his breath and comes closer. "It's getting late," he whispers to me. "You should be getting home, princess."

I'm too compelled by him to realise that his hand just left my side or that it was even touching me to begin with. Calum begins to walk himself home, in the opposite direction of the way I'm supposed to be heading. I find myself cursing many different times about having to live in different paths from him.

I sigh, from deep within, jamming my hands into my pockets to shield them from the cold and feel something already inside. I pull it out and it's a crumpled ripped napkin.

somewhere new

tmrw nit?



nxt one is real gooood -evil laugh in distnce-

urm - comment and vote bc it means a lot (:

dedicated to @mmemee bc honestly i fangirl everytime i get notifications from herr<3

sorry i didnt read over this , too excitied so i only skimmed it

xo - swagger momma kim

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