The Beginning

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None of this is real. This is college and Rhett never met Jesse.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: None.

There he was, sitting right across from me. His perfectly styled hair, beautiful aqua eyes, and well built body. I didn't know why girls weren't all over him, or, guys too. He sat next to his best friend since first grade, the two were inseparable.

His name? Rhett James McLaughlin, And his friend, Charles Lincoln Neal III. Or, Link.

I had went to school with Rhett, and Link, since elementary in Buies Creek, North Carolina, Up until now, College. Though we never talked much. He was always off with Link doing something.

My thoughts about Rhett were suddenly cut off by the teacher at the front of the college class room. "Y/N?" Mr. Brighton said, staring directly at me. "..yeah?" I asked, I wasn't paying attention, so whatever I got called on for would be wrong. "You and Rhett will be doing a project together." He said. Glancing over at Rhett, an giving an apologetic shrug to Link, who seemed absolutely crushed. He always worked with Rhett, but for some reason, it was me, and honestly, I felt bad. I heard a low groan come from Rhett, and I simply rolled my eyes. I wasn't sure if he groaned because he was working with me, or because he wasn't working with Link. Probably both.

By the end of class, everyone had a partner, and a project. Link was put with another good friend of his, but would've preferred Rhett. The two exchanged glances, and once the bell rang for Lunch break, the two ran over to Mr. Brighton. I stayed outside of the classroom door and listened. "..But why do I have to work with Her?? I always work with Link! You know that." I heard Rhett's voice say, I could tell he didn't want to work with me, and I was fine with it. "..She Can work with Ben." Link said, as if trying to exchange partners. "Sorry boys, But it is what it is, besides, you two are room mates, you see each other all the time.." Mr. Brighton said, sitting down in his chair and sorting through older assignments. A jinxed groan came from the two tall boys, and I heard their shoes tapping against the old wood floors.

I had the project in my hand, and I ran back to my dorm, unfortunately, right next to Rhett and Link's. If Rhett didn't wanna work with me, he didn't have to.

I opened the door to my dorm and looked inside. It looked.. Empty. My recent room mate moved to a different college, so I was alone. I closed the door, threw my bag aside, and set the project on the desk. I sat in my black, spinning desk chair and leaned back. It was quiet for a while, until I heard a knock at my door.

Who the hell could that be? Everyone was out on lunch.. At least, I thought so..


Rhett's P.O.V

I could feel as if someone was staring at me, but I brushed it off. I quietly chatted with my best friend, Link, until I was interrupted by Mr. Brighton saying the name of a sorta friend of mine. Well, I knew her. Her attention snapped to him and she simply said, in that quiet voice of hers, "..yeah?" "You will be working on a project with Rhett." I heard him say, and watched as he dropped a stack of papers on her desk.



I looked at Link, who had the same reaction as me. I watched as Mr. Brighton just gave a small 'Sorry Link.' Shrug, and both of us let out a small groan. Link was crushed, I could tell. I looked at her, and.. She looked like she felt bad. Maybe I could change her mind and Link and her could switch partners?

But.. Why? Why her? Why the fuck not Link? I was always with Link! He knew that..

As the last 20 minutes went by, Everyone had a partner, and mine had to be her. I had nothing wrong with her, I just really wanted to be with Link..

The bell went off, and as everyone was leaving, Including her, Link and I ran to Mr. Brighton. "..But why do I have to work with her?" I asked him, trying to look sad. "..She can work with Ben." Link said, with a smile. "Sorry boys, It is what it is." Mr. Brighton said, sitting down and going through older assignments. Link and I both groaned, and started to walk back to our rooms. As I looked up, I caught I glimpse of someone running from the door, Their hair trailing behind them, and I had a feeling I knew who's it was, and if it was who I thought it was, and She had heard everything, I had some explaining to do.. But, I put that behind me as Link and I walked to our dorm.

But the thought crept up on me again. Her room was right next to mine, and as Link and I went into our rooms, throwing our bags aside, I denied the normal ritual of sitting back in our chairs, and planning lunch. "Hey, Link.. I'll be right back." I said, leaving the room, though I heard him say a curious "Alright..?"

I needed to do something.

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