Shirtless Knight.

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None of this is real. This is college and Rhett never met Jesse.
Rating: PG-14
Warning: Swearing, Angst.
The water was freezing.

I seriously thought I was dead, But I was merely passed out.

By now, Rhett would've swooped me up like my knight in shining armor.

I was beginning to worry about him more than myself.

I was caught on a branch, that much I knew. Thankfully I wouldn't move any farther.

Maybe this was supposed to happen.

Maybe this'll be the last of me and I didn't even say a "Goodbye." to anyone.

If I could cry I would.

I was letting my self slip farther into darkness.

Slowly.. Coldness..

My mind filled with a memory.


"Class, Please welcome Y/N! She's new, so be nice." My new first grade teacher Mrs. Locklear chimed. My eyes scanned the cute little class room until they fell on an unusually tall boy, followed by a short brunette, or black haired, boy. "Sit anywhere you'd like dear." I heard, and I made my way to the two boys. I always got along with guys better.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I whispered. "I'm Rhett, and this is--" "I'm Charles. But y'all can call me Link." He said, pushing Rhett out of the way. I muffled a laugh and nodded.

That started an everlasting friendship.

My bond with them wasn't as close as the two together, but I guess I was considered a friend.

Just, a friend.


Just like that, my waist was skillfully grabbed and I was pulled above water. I heard someone gasp, "Rhett, Hurry! She may not have much time! It's freezing!!" I heard. "Shut up!"
Rhett James McLaughlin.. and Charles Lincoln Neal III were to my rescue again.

I didn't know, but I really didn't have much time left. My body temperature was way below it should be. My body, ice cold.

I was set ashore and my limp, cold body was comforted by a large warm sweat shirt. My head, rested in a small lap and a thumb pressed to my neck. "Rhett.. Her pulse.. it's slowing rapidly.."
What? No. I'm fine.

My bodies natural responses, Talking, Moving, telling them I was here, I'm ok. It wasn't possible.

I was dying, but.. I could hear around me.

I heard a sniffle and felt a warm tear on my cheek. "Rhett, She's.. she's gone.." Link choked.

No! I'm here!

I wanted to scream but I was, I guess, dead.

Or I thought.

You know how in the movies, people leave the body and can see themselves being operated on the operating table?? That's what happened to me.

I was like.. a ghost??

Link combed fingers through my hair, crying like a pansy. Rhett was acting tough, thought he was holding back his tears. "I'm such a fuck up! I should've.. UGH!!" He stammered. His anger and emotions caused his to pound his fists into a small, innocent birch tree which bent from the rage. "Don't punch stuff, Man!" Link said, I watched them argue back and forth. "You. You should've done something earlier! Tried to convince me more she was my girl, instead of letting me off with Cassidy!" Rhett yelled. I could tell he was about to go after Link. His steps went towards Link, breathing through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." Rhett growled, Link whimpered in fear. A 20 year old guy, afraid of another 20 year old. "Rhett, Calm down.." Link said, "Calm down?! You're holding my dead girlfriend, and you want me to calm down?!" It was about to be like a freight train hitting a Volkswagen. I had to some how 'come back to life' soon, like now.

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