Studying Sleep.

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None of this is real. This is college and Rhett never met Jesse.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: None.

It was already 8pm and we had started at about 3:30. We were just about half way through. With part one.

Rhett worked on what he knew, and I worked on what I knew, just to get that part over with.

I was reading through a question and it was something I didn't know, He knew it though. Mr. Brighton had throw us each in a question the other had to help them with. "Hey, Rhett..?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked, not looking up from his paper. "I think I need help.." I said quietly, A bit embarrassed. "With?" He asked, looking over at my paper. "This one, I don't understand it.." I said, pointing to question 14. I watched him read through it, and he laughed a bit. "That's easy!" He said, leaning over and starting to do the problem, but he soon got up and stood over me, leaning down and writing the problem. His left arm was around my left side, as he used it to hold himself up, while he wrote with his right. I would've moved but he got around me to fast. I could feel his hot breath against my neck and ear as he talked quietly to himself as he wrote the answer. It made me blush and gave me goose bumps. He pulled back and sat back down, and said, "That's how its done." And getting back to his own work. "Thanks.." I said quietly, in which he replied with a soft grunt.

It was only about 20 minutes later when he said, "Erm.. Y/N?" He asked, and I looked up at him and said, "Yeah?" "I need help.. " He said sheepishly. "Alright, Which one?" I asked, and he pointed to number 18. I leaned over him this time, and started to guide him through it, unlike he did so to me. "And then you just divide that, and you're done." I told him, and it was all of a sudden he got it. "Oh! I see.." He said, smiling. "Thanks." He said, and I told him you're welcome.

Hours went by again, and it was almost 1:00am. Slowly, with out noticing, I put my head against his shoulder as I did my work. "Uhm.." He said softly. I suddenly lifted my head, all flustered. "S-Sorry.." I said quietly, and he just smiled, took my head by one hand, and gently put it back on his shoulder. "It's fine.." He told me, gently petting my hair. Though I could tell he was just as tired as me, and wanted to do the same. We stayed up later, and I soon felt him lean his head against mine, and we were both fine with being close like this. A few moments later, I was trying to keep my pen up, and my eyes open. But my eyes closed slowly, and I noticed that Rhett was having the same issue. My eyes closed, and pen dropped, I could faintly hear Rhett breathing heavy, but not really snoring. I knew he was out.

I could feel his arm go under my back, and around my waist. Though his arm was large and heavy, He was very gentle.

About 5.5 hours later, we were both awoken by the buzzing of my alarm.

My eyes shot open, and so did his, he slowly took his arm away and stretched, As I jumped up and turned off my arm, though I had gotten up too fast and my head was spinning and vision went black for a moment. "Whoa.." I said quietly. "You ok?" Rhett asked, and I nodded.

"So.. We fell asleep." I said quietly. In which he just nodded a reply. Both our classes were in a hour and a half. "We should get ready." I said, and he nodded, getting up and going to the door. "I'll see you late, Y/N." "See you, Rhett." I said, as I watched him walk out the door and close it.

I hurriedly grabbed a towel and clothes and ran to the shower, getting in and showering for about 10 minutes, and getting out, drying off, and putting fresh clothes on.

As I was holding my clothes to put them in my laundry bin, I noticed they smelled faintly of Rhett, and that's when I took a long whiff, and smiled. He even smelled perfect..


What the fuck am I doing.

I quickly put my clothes in the bin and brushed through my hair, putting it in a quick ponytail. I still had about a half hour, so I cleaned up my room, and where Rhett and I sat, putting the papers in place.

As the clock hit 7, I was on my way to class.


Rhett's P.O.V

It was already 8pm and we had started at about 3:30. We were just about half way through. With part one.

I worked on what I knew, and Y/N worked on what she knew, just to get that part over with.

"Hey, Rhett..?" I heard her ask. "Yeah?" I said, raising my brows, and not looking up from my paper. "I think I need help.." She said quietly, A bit embarrassed. "With?" I asked, looking over at her paper. "This one, I don't understand it.." She said, pointing to question 14. I read through it, and laughed a bit. "That's easy!" I said, leaning over and starting to do the problem, But I was uncomfortable, so I soon got up and stood over her, leaning down and writing the problem. My left arm was around her left side, as I used it to hold myself up, while I wrote with my right. I was comfortable. I talked quietly to myself as I wrote the answer. I smiled as it made her blush and get goose bumps when my breath hit her neck and ear. I pulled back and sat back down, and said, "That's how its done." And getting back to my own work. "Thanks.." Y/N said quietly, in which I replied with a soft grunt.

It was only about 20 minutes later when I said, "Erm.. Y/N?" and she looked up at me and said, "Yeah?" "I need help.. " I said sheepishly. "Alright, Which one?" She asked me, and I pointed to number 18. She leaned over me this time, and started to guide me through it, unlike I did so to her. "...And then you just divide that, and you're done." Y/N told me, and it was all of a sudden I got it! "Oh! I see.." I said, smiling. "Thanks." I added, and she just told me you're welcome.

Hours went by again, and it was almost 1:00am. Slowly, with out saying anything, she put her head against My shoulder as I did my work. "Uhm.." I said softly. Y?N suddenly lifted her head, all flustered. It was kinda cute. "S-Sorry.." She said quietly, and I just smiled, took her head by one hand, and gently put it back on my shoulder. "It's fine.." I told her, gently petting her hair. I was so soft. Though I was getting just as tired as her, and wanted to do the same. We stayed up later, and I soon found myself lean my head against hers, and we were both fine with being close like this. A few moments later, She was trying to keep her own pen up, and her eyes open. But her eyes closed slowly, and I soon too, was having the same issue. My eyes closed, and pen dropped, I was breathing heavy, but not really snoring. I knew he was just about out.

I, out of no where, put my arm under her back, and around her waist, It was so small. Though, I knew my arm was large and heavy, I tried to be gentle.

About 5.5 hours later, we were both awoken by the buzzing of her alarm.

Her eyes shot open, and so did mine. I slowly took my arm away and stretched, As she jumped up and turned off her alarm, I noticed she had gotten up too fast and she held her head. It must've be spinning and vision went black for a moment, I've done it before. "Whoa.." She said quietly. "You ok?" I asked, and Y/N nodded.

"So.. We fell asleep." She said quietly. In which I just nodded a reply. Both our classes were in a hour and a half. "We should get ready." She told me, and I nodded, getting up and going to the door, Link was probably wondering what was going on. "I'll see you later, Y/N." "See you, Rhett." She said, as I walked out the door and closed it.

I opened the door to my dorm, and Link had just finished getting dressed. "Well well, Look what the cat dragged in." He joked, and I stuck my tongue out at him. "So, What did you two do over there all night?" He asked me, nudging my shoulder and snickering. "Hell no. We studied, and fell asleep.." I said, taking off my clothes and changing. I didn't bother showering, I didn't need to. I went to the mirror though with my Axe, and put some in my hand, styling my hair to perfection.

Suddenly, Link said, "I think you like her." In which I shot him a look. "No, I don't." I said, sitting down. "There's a party tonight, You should ask her if she wants to go as your date, I'm bringing Christy."

Christy was Link's long time girlfriend. She was nice blonde, with blue eyes just like Link. The two were meant to be, But I, had no one.

"I'll think about it.." I said, rolling my eyes.

But would I really?

"Sure, Sure.." Link said, grabbing his bag and throwing me mine, hitting my stomach and I let out a small oomph! "Lets go, Rhett." He said, opening the door and waiting for me. The clock said 7. Link was always on time, I got up and walked down the hall, and far, far, ahead, I saw someone I knew, and it made me smile.

But what Link said about asking her crept up on me.

Should I ask, Or just go alone? Maybe she'll deny me.. I worry too much.

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