I really love you.

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Totally forgot they shared a dorm with Greg and then oops. You guys don't mind right?? Maybe I'll include them.


As I was stuffing my face with oreos, I did notice the screech of tires, but thought nothing of it.

I was so into eating this whole package of cookies, the sound of the door creaking open was in one ear and out the other, Link's snores didn't help either.

Now, I must've looked like someone who barged into the McLaughlin home, stolen their sons sweatshirt and was raiding their cabinets, and Link curled on the couch in a featle position added to the 'burgler' effect.


I was hit upside the head and almost knocked off my feet, I had swallowed a cookie and had to keep myself from choking..

I stumbled and grabbed my head, Throbbing in pain. I was hit with a purse. Not a normal one, a mom purse.. Packed with tissues, a wallet or two, keys, and a small phone. "Fuck.." I said softly. "Who are you?!" A womans voice screeched. "Oh my god.. I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N.." I said, still rubbing my head.

Big mistake.

"Get out of my house!" The woman yelled, who I figured out was the great and might, Mrs. McLaughlin.

Was nobody hearing this?
"Calm down! I'm here with Rhett and Link!" I said, and saying Link's name made him wake. "Wha..?" He said groggily. Aww.. Cute.

"Why are you soaking wet?" Mrs. McLaughlin asked, "Because.. I.. well.. you see.." Thankfully, my trusty boyfriend, --which Mrs. McLaughlin would freak if she knew we were together.. Mr. McLaughlin wouldn't mind-- came running down the stairs, almost tripping as he yanked his jeans up and buttoned and buckled them. "Mom! Calm down!!" "Rhett James McLaughlin! What did I tell you about bringing... HER here?" She said, trying to calm herself.

"Mom, It's a long story." "She's wet, and she has once again your jacket. This is adding up to a bad place in my mind, Rhett." She said, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

My face was burning, My eyes darted to Link. I was on the verge of a panic attack. Breathing increasing, eyes still locked with Link. He sprung up from the couch and ran over to me, pulling my hand and taking me out back. "Shh.. It's alright.." He cooed, rubbing my back. "Link, what if she finds out?" I said, "She won't. Rhett won't tell because you mean too much to him."

"Find out what?" A deep voice said, deeper than Rhett and Link. Link let go of me and my eyes met with Mr. McLaughlin. He didn't mind if Rhett and I were together. I was on his good side, I could trust him. "Rhett and I.. were kindalikedatingandyeah." I said, voice trailing off at the end and words quick, but he understood, a smile plastered over his face. "That's great, but yes, don't let my wife find out.." He said, he knew how much she desbised me.

Our heads turned as yelling came from the house. "Rhett! It happened again?! Maybe I should call the cops!" "No, Mom, Please don't, it wasn't her fault!" Rhett yelled, he sounded like he was crying. Then came a Sllaap! followed by a distressed Oww!

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