Cheater Cheater.. Or no?

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Link grabbed me, and we left, and didn't talk at all. He brought us back to college, and we went our seperate ways.


Sunday rolled around and I didn't visit Rhett, I dunno if Link did either. We were both in a state of shock.


Monday came around and I went to every class, and I didn't talk much about anything, or anyone.

Once all my classes were over, I decided to visit Rhett, since I hadn't yesterday. Even if there wasn't a point, but maybe if I visited him enough he'd remember me.

I grabbed my keys, and walked out to my Father's restored Ford. I normally walked places, but this was far.

I stuck the key in, and I was on my way.

It only took me about 15 minutes, and once I got there, I found the closest parking spot, and got out, making my way to the door.

I didn't stop at the front desk, I just went up the elevator and started to his room.

I was about to walk in when a lady at a near bye desk stopped me.

"Ma'me, He can only have one visitor at the time." She told me.

Was someone already visiting him..?

"I'm his girlfriend though.." I said, and she raised a brow. "Oh really? Because that's what the girl visiting him now said." The woman told me. "Said her name was Cassidy.." She added.

Cassidy? Cassidy fucking Morgan? Oh please no. Cassidy had, or has a huge crush on Rhett, and everyone knew. How did she find out what happened?? And she said she's his girlfriend? Hah, No.

I ignored the woman at the desk, and opened his door, and my heart stopped as I saw them holding hands, and just pulling away from eachother.. kissing? Fuck, Please no.

"Oh, Hey Y/N." Cassidy said with a wicked grin. "Hey Cassidy.." I said, and looked at Rhett, who didn't know what to say.

"I'll leave you two alone.." I said, my hand shaking as I closed the door. "Are you alright..?" The woman behind the desk asked, my hand was holding my heart slightly. "Y-Yes.. I'm alright." I told her, walking back to the elevator and going down to the lobby.

My knees were weak, my heart pounding, blood pressure rising.

I walked out the door and got in my car.

I sat in my car and started it, I was having trouble breathing, and my heart hurt. I thought nothing of it, until I started driving, and my head was pounding and I was breathing horribly. I pulled over on the shoulder, thankfully there was no traffic. What was happening?? Was I having an anxiety attack..? I pulled out my phone, my hands shaking horribly. I dialed Link's number and he answered quickly. "L-Link.. I need you, Like now.. I-Im right outside the hospital.." I said, and before he could say anything, I hung up.

My cheeks were warm, and tears ran down them. I layed across the bench seat and cried, shaking horribly. I covered my face with my arms, I could tell I looked and sounded horrible.

I heard the low motor of another truck, and then it was shut off. I heard the sound of shoes hitting the ground, and keys in a pocket jingling. "Y/N??" I heard a voice call, and watched Link show up in front of the passenger window. He opened the door and got in, lifting my head, and putting it in his lap. He combed his fingers through my hair and held me. "Shh.. What's wrong..?" He asked and I looked up at him, my face wet. "C-Cassidy and him kissed.. she told the lady at the desk she w-was his girlfriend.." I said, and just thinking about it made me burst into tears again. "Link, He really has forgotten about me.. Did he even ever care..?" I asked, looking up at Link, who was staring out the windsheild. "Yes, He does." Link started, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "He's just in the wrong state of mind, it'll all be over soon." Link told me, looking down at me into my eyes, and I looked back.

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