Hitting the Heart Hard.

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I stayed at the college, even though we were allowed to go home Saturday and Sunday. I only stayed so I could go to Rhett's semi-finals game today.

I couldn't believe it was already Saturday. The week went by fast.

I rolled over on my bed and squinted, looking at my clock. "What time.." I started saying and jumped up when I saw the time. 11:30am. "What-- I over slept big time." I stated. Well, I was moving and partying a lot last night.

I stood, and stretched my arms, my back cracking in the process. I heard a soft knock at my door. Too quiet to be Rhett. I glanced at myself in the mirror, and quickly pulled on a pair of shorts under the big tshirt I was wearing, my hair was wild. I pulled open the door and saw Link standing there. He smiled and laughed a bit and I glared at him and rubbed my eyes. "Hey, Link." I said, and he nodded. "Hey, Y/N. Uh, I need a favor.. Rhett will not get up, and he's snoring like a thunderstorm." Link stated, and I hadn't noticed the snoring until he mentioned it. "Yeah, So?" "So, Can you get him up??" He asked. I shrugged. "I can try? But how?" I asked, pushing by Link and walking into their dorm. "I dunno. Climb on him, kiss him, do something, Slap him, I don't care. Because he knows I've been trying to get him up, and He also knows I'll quit eventually. Just try." He said, following me into the room and closing the door behind him.

I looked at Link and he gestured me to Rhett, who was snoring like a motor. "Hey, Rhett.." I said, gently tapping his arm, in which, he slung his arm towards me and almost hit me. I rolled my eyes and climbed on top of him, trying not to hit my head on the top bunk. I squeezed in between him and the wall, and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close against his chest. "Rhett.. You have to wake up.." I said softly. "No.." He groaned softly, running his fingers through my hair.

He wasn't going to wake up. I didn't know what to say. "Rhett, You're gonna lose the semi-finals!" I told him sharply, and he quickly sat up, and hit his head on the bunk. "What--?!" Both me and Link burst out laughing. He looked over at me and almost fell off the bed. "Y/N?! What're you doing here? In my bed?! Did we..?" He said softly, and it made me laugh harder. "No, We didn't." "Oh, Too bad.." He said quietly. "I wouldn't let that happen in here.." Link groaned. "Link couldn't get you up, so he asked me to help." I told Rhett, laying down.

His sheets smelled musky, it was like laying on top of him. Musky, Old Spice..

"The semi-finals are later, Remember?" Link told him, leaning against the door.

"Fuck.. Yeah." He said, standing up and looking for his uniform. "In the closet." Link said.

I stood up and went to the door. "I should get ready too." I said, leaving the room, and going in mine and looking for any school colors I had.

About 4 hours later is when I actually got ready. It took about an hour and a half to get to the rival school. Rhett had to take the bus, while I had to ride with Link.

I pulled on a pair of shorts that were sorta the school colors, along with a shirt.

My hair, I brushed through it and put it up in a braid, and put a small ribbon that was one of the school colors in my hair.

Just as I put on my shoes, someone knocked at my door. I opened it, and Rhett stood there in his sleeveless jersey, and basketball shorts. He hugged me and smiled. "You look perfect. I'll see you again soon." He said, letting go of me, and placing his lips to my forehead. "The bus is here, Bye." He said, and jogged down the hall with his bag and the others.

Link stood in their doorway, and threw me Rhett's sweatshirt. It had his last name and number on it. "Here, It's got more of the colors." He said. "Though it may be a bit big.." Link said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine, Thanks Link." I said with a smile. He nodded, "Do you have everything you need? Because we're probably just gonna leave now." Link said, grabbing his keys and closing the door.

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