Chapter 3

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Bendy POV 

As I walked to the restaurant I worked at, 'Fine 'n Dine' i started thinking of Cuphead, blush slowly creeping up my face until I suddenly realized what i was doing. "WHAt am I doing?!?!?" I yelled to myself. Im such a creep!! I wont tell anyone about this and I'll never do it again!! But there's something about him that makes him so hot and handsome, and is hair is floofy, and I want to pet it, and his eyes are beautiful and, and...

 "OWW!!' I yelled as i clutched the top of my head in pain. I looked in front of me and saw a pole. I was too busy fantasizing about Cuphead that i walked into a stupid pole!!!!I seriously need to stop this! What's wrong with me?! It's like every time I mention him I instantly start to daydream and then something bad happens! I I shook my head to clear my thoughts and kept walking until I reached my workplace. I quickly ran to the fridge to get some ice for the bruise starting to form on my forehead, because I can't let anyone see this! The last thing I need right now is to have all my work "partners" laugh at me for walking into that stupid pole!! I snatched the frozen ice from the break room's fridge, where Stacy would throw and stuff every snack that existed into the little broken fridge. Then Britney would throw them out and put healthy stuff after she told Stacy for the 100th time that it's unhealthy. I really need a better job, because I have to put up with everyone here every day! I sighed, remembering that this is all for Boris. I held the ice that was starting to melt from me standing there lost in my thoughts. I heard hooves clomp on the carpeted floor and turned around to see a deer on standing on two legs 2 legs laughing at me. He was wheezing so obnoxiously loud that he clutched his stomach dramatically and almost fell to the floor. 'Ugh', I internally sighed. Its Nikel. 

"Move out of the way Nikel!!" he just kept laughing. 

"Or what? will you kick my butt? Oh wait, you cant even reach it u midget! My butt is higher than your hopes and dreams!" He laughed harder and rage boiled into me.

"Look Nikel, I don't have to for this! So either move in 3 seconds or I will move u!!!" I yelled, spitting out my words with frustration.

He just stood there laughing so hard he was choking. I was sad, because I wasn't the one  chocking him.

"1....  2.....!" I glared at him menacingly, but I doubt he could see it because of how high his butt and ego was.  


 I used my super strength and pushed him aside with all my strength. He flew over to the wall and "BANG!!!" he hit the wall with a shuddering bang. I heard Stacy's annoying high pitched scream ring in my sensitive ears.

"OWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Nikel yelped in pain as he tried to get up. I think I broke his back, I smiled.

"I told you to move!" 

I walked away satisfied and happy I won't have to look at his smug face while he was in the hospital. I went to the kitchen with my small pack of ice and started my shift.


the day was pretty boring like usual.  My shift ended and I headed back home exhausted. My ear was still ringing from having to listen to Stacy and Brittany argue about some snacks no one ate that was left in the fridge. As i walked in the late night, I heard rustling from the bushes nearby. I stopped and bent over. I peered through the bushes, thinking that it's probably some stray cat or something. I looked closer and closer then i widened my eyes in fear. i screamed as i backed away from the creature. no, NO!  W-we g-oot rid-d o-of these things!! H-HoW i-is it-t Still alive!?!?! the creature noticed me and before I could run away, It leaped onto me and slowly slugged up to my face, it's inky texture all to familiar. My breathing was starting to pick up the ace and go shallower. I felt like I was going to pass out if my fear wasn't so strong, I can't do anything right now, but just silently plead to Satan that this thing will just go away. I started to tear up as I whispered in a shaky and tiny voice: 

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