Chapter 25

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Mugs POV

I woke up to the sun peeking through the tent me and boris shared together. I lied down as I heard his small snores and rising chest. I was in complete harmony, Almost drifting back to sleep. As i was about to close my eyes and enter a new dream, I shot up from the bed with eyes wide and newly formed energy and excitement. Today we will go and get the second piece!!! I quickly and quietly got up from the bed, careful to not wake boris up. I changed into my day clothes and wrapped my favorite blue scarf around myself. I was about to go out when I saw a small black and pink blur rush towards me. Before I could react, it leaped right into my scarf. I was about to fight until I got a better look at it.

"Jackpot? Why are you here?" I asked the cat, gently taking him into my arms and against my chest. This was really adorable, but Jackpot always stays with cuphead unless...

"Is Cuppy alright?" I asked with worry lacing my voice. As if he heard me, He leaped down and was pulling on my pants, telling me to follow him. I follwed behind as he led me across the camp to where cuphead and bendy sleep. He scratched silently at the 'Door' of the tent. Following his example, I slowly opened the zipper and peeked inside. My eyes widened, There was Cuppy, Sitting on the far corner of the bed.

He was hunched over, Hands covering his face and shivering slightly. His hair a mess and I heard silent small whimpers and sniffles. I rushed towards him and hugged him from behind, But it was like I was invisible, he didn't budge.

"Cuppy..." I started, almost like whining.

"......" was his reply.

"Cuppy, look at me" I continued as I slowly removed one of his hands. I almost gasped in surprise, the fingertips were black, like bendy's skin.

"........ ....." Still no reply.

I sighed and removed his firm grip on his face to get his hand away. I lifted his face up by the chin and saw that he looked like he hasn't slept in years!

"Cuppy! You look terrible!! What happened?!" I almost yelled while i stared at his red eyes and dark eyebags and his pale face and tear streaked cheek. But what really scared me, was how dead his eyes looked. They were distant and glazed over, removing any emotion but a deep depressing sadness. I pulled 9ut a tissue from my pocket and wiped away his tears. There was a dark and drepressed aura surrownding him and suffocating anyone in the tent.

"Cuppy, What happened." I asked firmly. He looked up at me, but it felt like he was looking behind me from a mile away.

".....i-im -m s-so-sorr-y...." He chocked out the words like it was killing him to even speak. He broke down into more silent sobs and quiet tears. They ran down his cheeks. I looked into his eyes for a while, digging deep in them, under all the lifeless glazing and inside the core of his pupils, I saw waves and mountains of regret. Really intense regret.

"Cuppy-" I was cut off.

"I-im fi-ine." He stuttered, burying the regret deeper and deeper until i lost it.

"Cuppy, You're not fine! Look at yourself! You look like a ghost that has't slept for years!! And you keep hiding your emotions away! You think i didn't see that!? You think I didn't Feel it around you!? I practicly suffocating in your emotions!" I nearly yelled. He fliched, not looking up to meet my gaze.

"I care about you cuppy! Boris and Felix and Alice and Ben-"

" If he cared about me, then why did he yell at me and run off to some where to leave me!" Cuphead snapped at me. I looked at him in shock, so this was because of some drauma with him and bendy.

"Leave me alone to suffer from my mistakes and I will come to you when I'm ready." He said quietly. I sighed and hesitantly walked out of the tent, jackpot following closely with his head down.

Im going to help cuppy, But first, I need to find Bendy...

Hey guys, Author here! I just wanted to apologize for not updating recently, school sucks. But im on fall break and I got the whole week off! Yey!

♡𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧♡Where stories live. Discover now