Chapter 21

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No one POV

Pearl returned to the group with the answer to most of their problems. She handed each one of them a bubble.

"And what the hell is this supposed to be?" Cuphead asked the sea princes while studying the bubble.

"It's a bubble, you put it on you head and then you can breathe" She replied.

"But won't it pop?" Mugs asked.

"No, Because it's made from the ocean's magic!" Felix replied excitedly. 

"How do you know, cat?" Cuphead questioned the cat.

"I've worked one of these before!" The cat replied. 

"So how do we put these on?" Boris asked. the bubbles didn't have an opening after all.

"Oh! You just rub it until it turns yellow, then you have 6 seconds to put it on your head until it turns back into a solid. It's really fascinating!" Felix answered the confused wolf. 

"Let's go change to something we can swim with, I only have one of these!" Cuphead pointed to his long gray jacket. We all went back to our tents, but Felix had to go to mugs and Boris' Tent for obvious reasons. 

Bendy POV

I let cuphead go first to change, I stood unmoving in the corner facing the 'wall'.  My heart was beating so fast and hard it pounded in my ears. I heard the rustling of clothes being taken off and being put on. 

"Hey bends, you can look now. Your turn." I flinched at cuphead's voice behind me.  I slowly turned around with my eyes shut tightly. Once I was facing his direction, I hesitantly opened my eyes. Once i did, My cheeks were burning more than the sun.  We stood frozen, I studied his abs, He was so hot! I felt as though I would've fainted. 

"Um, Bends? You ok?" Cuphead asked me, snapping me out of my daydreaming. He started to walk out of the tent, to wait for me out side. Once he left, I collapsed on the floor, the image of his abs burning his name into my memory and mind.  I changed and quickly went outside. Once I was out, Everyone was in their swim shorts (Alice was in a one-piece). We all put on the bubble things, but the entire time, I couldn't stop staring at cuphead. 

"Bendy? You ok?" Boris asked me, noticing my blush. I quickly snapped out of it. 

"Uh, y-yeah" I stuttered, the blush getting stronger. Boris then looked at me funny, then a smile grew on his face so big it was from ear to ear. I wanted to melt into a tiny drop of water and get lost in the ocean fr eternity. This is gonna be one hell of a day.

♡𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧♡Where stories live. Discover now