Chapter 5

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"Life is a battlefield... You have a reason to live, right? why can't you fight for that reason...? if you don't have any, then why are you here...?"  A voice can be heard within Hazuki's dream world, a place where her family could be. She still lives in the past, and can't avoid her only family.

She woke up slowly a couple of minutes after the voice, and have appeared in a wooden home, with a very long space and on the other side of where she was, there was a chimney with firewood, keeping the house warm and cozy for her. Somehow it was weird, for Hazuki the last time she was awake was actually when she was battling against the Little Nepent and the swarm of them. The young girl held her own head and saw the red injury from a bucket. 

"Hmm... how did I got this in my forehead?" she asked, rubbing it slowly but at the same time she have flinched. 

"That was because you hit a rock when you fell. That's why you have that injury in your forehead." someone replied to her question.

"Huh? who are you?" she asked and have looked around the place, suddenly she saw the same person with the hood. He was wearing it to cover his own face away from any other players. The boy gave a close glare at the girl, and then asked. "Why did you fight against all of those Little Nepents alone...? and why didn't you realize that you almost became a murderer yourself...?" he asked. Apparently that Little Nepent which was higher than her own level, was actually another player that turned unexpectedly into one of the enemies of the game. How could he know about that? it's strange.

"Huh? a Murderer...? I was just trying to kill that monster in the forrest! That's not a crime!" she have yelled with brute force, even outside of the cabin can be heard her own shouts. 

The young boy's eyes widened, that he actually had to cover her own mouth, just so their covers are not exposed. The young girl's eyes have blinked and got teary, just because it was very dusty where she was sleeping. The boy looked around and then checked the surroundings, after that, he took off his hood and looked at her. "Do you want to get killed?!" he said while whispering loudly. Hazuki glared at his face and suddenly saw a scar on his neck, which was some sort of red line from neck to his left side of his cheek. 

"Where did you got that scar from...?" she asked to the young boy.

"Nowhere, it was just there when I came into the game."

"Hmm... that's weird, because, when the creator came he changed everyone into their original selves, so was that from a birth mark or something?" she asked again.

"Maybe... I really don't know, young lady." he replied while he moved his black hair away. The male's eyes were just beautiful for Hazuki, suddenly she shooked her head and have stood up to look around for the exit. Hazuki then grabbed her stuff and walked towards the gray wooden door, looking through the hole she saw a lot of snow everywhere... she doesn't have any other option left but to stay where she is. Hazuki stared at the young boy putting out some wood in the chimney, and decided to help him out with it. After a half an hour of so, it was near 12 a.m, and the two players have talked for a while to know each other, but never told their real names and personal information. Hazuki and the young male have gotten along very well, knowing their personal favorite things, interests and sometime even talking about the game itself. After the conversation, the snow slowly have gone away from the place, and it was night time. Hazuki had to go back to her own cabin place, since she payed the place to stay. Both of them waved and smiled at each other, before Hazuki left, she then asked to the boy his name.

"... Akira, just call me Akira." he replied, while giving a shining and bright smile on his face for her. Hazuki blushed a bit and waved, leaving the place in a immediate pace.

When Hazuki arrived, she slowly picked up her stuff and had to put them back on the blue wooden colored shelves. After that, Hazuki laid down on the fluffy bed again, and hugged her own soft pillow, thinking about Akira once again.

"Akira is such a nice and attractive... why is he like that...?" she asked and slowly have fallen into a deep sleep. She have dreamed about the guy this time, with the cute and bright smile that can make an entire day glimmer into her own eyes, a bath to a new future. She felt like he was going to be a path to her success, a new friend and the first one for the first time in 4 years. Suddenly she have sensed an aura around him, and saw a monster higher than him, with long horns and an axe on the hand. That monster wanted to kill Akira, something Hazuki didn't even want. She was scared again, just because of her own past; she doesn't want to lose someone else again and again. The monster slowly pulled out the axe and raised it up to the point of the sky, and have cut off in half the boy that she have met. Hazuki woke up quickly and panted quickly from it. Her heart was racing, and her body was shaking... what's going on with her lately? nobody knows. Her purpose in the game just suddenly lost the meaning with those thoughts.

At 10 a.m, in that same cabin, the young girl decided to go and look around for some bulletin boards, trying to find some missions so she can go on to the next floors. After all, she cannot be stuck in the same place. Knowing that someone did actually beat some floors and she could access some that are open, she decided to go to the Forest of Wandering, a vast forest located in the north of the 35th Floor. Hazuki, taking the action to go to the forest just go gain cash to survive again, have walked around the place to find monsters, but at the same time trying to get out of the forrest. It was hard, since the forest is a place to get lost very easily. She looked around the places even more, having no type of map neither much potions, she only had 4 potions to survive, she have encountered a Drunk Ape. Drunk Ape is one of the strongest monsters in the floor, they lack speed and multi-hitting combos, however they are capable of causing a formidable amount of damage with the use of low-level mace skills and are also capable of healing themselves by drinking some healing liquid from their gourd, making them a difficult opponent if they attack in groups.

The young girl who doesn't know what to do, used one of the Teleporting Crystals to get out, however the problem was that with the Teleporting Crystals it would only take her to another area. One of those Drunk Ape had a higher base level as well, just like the Little Nepent. The level for the Drunk Ape, which the color changed from brown to actual blue, It was 20 levels higher than her, which could mean ne that it was another like the Little Nepent. Hazuki was still scared about the last situation, she ran as fast as she could, until she suddenly encountered another monster, way different than the other. It was the same Blue-Eyed Demon from before, the one that eliminated the Little Nepent. She doesn't know why that monster followed her, but sooner that she thought, the monster quickly defended her with the axe, trying to protect her from the uncontrolable monsters. Hazuki's eyes have widened with much suspense, as she saw the monster rushing towards the Drunk Ape, slashing it with brute force and with such a fast-paced speed. It was amazing, something was very odd about the monster. Something that she have never seen before. After the monster have defeated the Drunk Ape, the limit for that monster has slowly faded, as it glitched up bit by bit, turning the monster into a human being. When Hazuki saw the person behind that powerful monster, that have saved her twice. She didn't believed who it was.

"Akira...? You're the monster...?"

Sword Art Online Fanfiction: Ikaku Suru Yōna Nami (Menacing Waves)Where stories live. Discover now