10 | Ghost

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After the meeting with everyone, where they explained what happened in Faerie, what Zara Dearborn's plans were, what had happened to Arthur, and Kieran had been dismissed by Evelyn Highsmith, everyone other than Kit, Livvy, Ty and Lila went to bed.

The small group remained in the parlour. Lila was lounging lying with her legs stretched across the couch, head against her pillow leaning against the arm of the chair. She looked like she wanted desperately to go to sleep, but wanted to stay awake. Livvy had her legs swung over the arm of one of the chairs, leaning back against the other arm. Ty was sitting normally on his sofa, while Kit slouched in his.

"I think it's time for you to get your first real Mark."

Ty's words woke Lila up instantly. She sat up on her elbows, eyes fluttering to adjust to the firelight in the room since she'd nearly fallen asleep.

"I've had Marks," Said Kit. "I've had an iratze from Lila."

Livvy looked mildly curious, looking at her sister and then Kit, but didn't say anything.

"I meant a permanent one," Ty told him. He held up his hand, the back to Kit, showing him the open-eye rune. "Voyance. It clarified the Sight."

"I can already see the Shadow world," Said Kit. He grabbed another chocolate digestive biscuit, and Lila tiredly held her hand out to the side for Kit to pass her one. He did. London had the best biscuits ever.

"You probably don't see everything you could," Livvy informed. She held her hands up to indicate neutrality. "But do what you want."

"It's the most painful rune to get, but worthwhile," Ty told him.

"Sure," Kit said, idly picking up another biscuit from the pack Livvy had stole from the pantry in the kitchen. "Sounds great."

He looked up when Ty's shadow fell over him. Ty had his stele in his hand, his eyes bright. "Your right hand is your dominant hand, so put that one out toward me."

Surprised, Kit choked on his cookie.

Livvy had sat bolt upright. "Ty, don't. He doesn't want one. He was just kidding."

"I—" Kit started. Ty had gone the colour of old ivory, and stepped back. His eyes darted away from Kit's, and he looked disarrayed. Livvy was starting to get out of her chair.

"No—no, I do want the Mark. You're right; it's time I got a real one."

The moment hung suspended. Livvy was half out of her chair. Kit noticed Lila had fallen asleep with her uneaten cookie on the sofa next to her. Ty blinked rapidly.

Then Ty smiled a little, and Kit's heart returned to its normal beating. "Your right hand, then."

Kit put his hand out, and Ty was right: the Mark did hurt. It felt like what he imagined his first tattoo would feel like—and then he realised it practically was his first tattoo. It was like a constant burning sting.

He flexed his fingers when Ty had moved back, looking at his hand. He'd have that Mark forever. He could never erase or change the Mark which Ty had put there, unlike the fadable one from Lila.

"I wonder," Ty said, placing his stele back in his pocket, "where that house of Malcolm's is. The one in Cornwall, I mean."

"I can tell you exactly where it is," Said a girl standing by the fireplace. "It's in Polperro."

Kit stared. He was absolutely sure she hadn't been there a moment ago. She was blond, young but older than him, and very translucent. He could see the wallpaper right through her.

And he couldn't help himself.

Kit yelled.

Lila shot up on the sofa, her eyes wide. "What's going on?" She asked frantically.

"I haven't," Kit said then, staring at the place by the fire. His eyes were also wide.

"You haven't what?" Lila asked, glancing between Kit and the fireplace, leaning on her elbows. "Kit, you haven't what?"She blinked tiredly but looked at Kit with a panicked alarm.

"Kit, what's going on? Who are you talking to?" Livvy asked.

"A ghost," said Ty, "who is it, Kit?"

"Her name is Jessamine," Kit reported. "She says she's been trying to get our attention." He paused for a second, then looked over at Lila. "She says you're staying in her bedroom. You're wearing her dress right now."

Lila paled. "Oh, God, is she mad? I can move rooms? Or wear a different dress?"

"She's not mad," Kit replied.

"A ghost," Ty said. He looked over to the fireplace. It was obvious he couldn't see Jessamine, but had an idea of where she stood. "They say a ghost saved the Institute during the Dark War. Was that her?"

"She says she did," Kit replied, "and she looks very smug about it. She also says she knows where Malcolm lives."

"She does?" Livvy leaned forward in her seat. "Will she tell us?" She grabbed a pen and paper from the desk. "What's she saying?" Livvy asked when there was silence. Her pen was poised over the paper.

"Polperro," Said Kit. "Southern Cornwall. He was very proud of the location. She's sorry he turned out to be an asshole."

"I bet she didn't really say that," muttered Lila, though they all seemed to hear her.

"I bet she didn't say asshole," Livvy said at the same time.

"We need to go to the library, find an atlas and train timetable," Said Ty.

"Ask her something for me," instructed Livvy, "Why didn't she just tell Evelyn where Malcolm's house was?"

It was quiet for a moment before Kit said, "She said Evelyn can't really hear her. She often makes things up and pretends Jessamine's said them."

"But she knows Jessamine's here. She must be a faint spirit, then, if not all of us can see her," Said Ty.

"I just saw you," Kit told Jessamine, "and I've never practiced being a Shadowhunter at all."

"Herondales can usually see ghosts," Ty said, "That's why I wanted you to get the Voyance Mark."

"Wait, what?" Lila asked, sitting up properly and turning in her seat to look between Ty and Lit. "You got the Voyance rune?"

Kit held his hand out to her to prove it. She raised her eyebrows. "I didn't think you'd ever do it," she said.

He shrugged his shoulders in reply. "Why didn't you tell me about seeing ghosts?" He said to Ty.

"It might not have worked," Ty replied, "I didn't want you to feel bad if it didn't."

"Well it did work," Said Livvy. "We should go wake up Julian and tell him."

"Julian's up," Said Kit.

Lila stood then and straightened her dress out. She tucked her dark hair behind her ears and then grabbed her cookie from the sofa.

Livvy and Lila walked over to the door, Ty joining them. "Are you coming too, Kit?" Ty asked.

Kit shook his head. "I had a question," Kit said, obviously talking to Jessamine from the way he looked at the fireplace. "Have you—have you seen my father? He died a little while ago."

Kit muttered, "My father didn't think he owed anyone anything." Then he said, "Gone on where?" And raised his head, looking up. "Is he in heaven? I mean, it seems so unlikely...Seriously, you didn't know him," he said after a pause. "It could be awful. It could be torture forever..."

There was something in Kit's hand, they saw when he opened his fist. A small piece of paper.

He opened it and read it quickly, and smiled small.

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