23 | The Hall pt.1

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Lila walked to Livvy's room when she'd finished packing. She'd dressed into a 1940's tea dress, a pale yellow colour with a tight waist, short sleeves. She'd shoved her feet into her own brown heeled boots, she just needed Livvy to tie them for her since she couldn't use both hands without pain. She left her long hair down.

Livvy was just leaving her own room the moment Lila got there, and smiled at her younger triplet.

"Can you tie my laces for me?" Asked Lila.

"Has your wrist still not healed?" Livvy asked, tying Lila's laces.

"No. It's being really slow, actually."

Livvy stood. "Huh. Anyway, are you coming to Kit's room with me? Ty's there, too."

Lila shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not bothered."

"You need to sleep. You're moody already."

"I did try. You told me I couldn't!"

"No I didn't!"

"Don't lie to me, Livvy!"

"Don't lie to me, Lila!"

They reached Kit's room and walked in without knocking, knowing he was only packing. Ty was sitting on Kit's bed while Kit grabbed things to pack. Lila saw the flash of a dagger and wonders if it was hers, knowing Kit still hadn't given it back.

"Ty-Ty, Bridget told me you can take a Sherlock Holmes book from the library, but only one," Livvy said. Ty's face lit up.

"Which one?" He asked.

"Any. Just hurry up; we're going to leave as soon as we can, Magnus said."

Ty jumped up and went over to the door, then turned around like he'd forgotten something. "We can talk more later," he told Kit.

"Only one book! One!" Livvy called after him.

"Oh my God!" Lila exclaimed just then, making Livvy jump.

"What?" She asked.

Lila jumped up, too. "I left my phone. I'll be right back!"

Ty, Livvy, Lila and Kit sat at the front of the Council Hall on the front bench. Dru sat quietly on her own and thinking. Mark was with Cristina, Julian was with Emma. Magnus, Annabel and Kieran had gone to the waiting room.

"I hope Julian's right," Said Livvy, staring at the dais.

"He usually is. Not about everything, but this sort of thing," replied Ty.

Kit sat quietly between Ty and Livvy, Lila on the end next to Ty.

"You've got that look on your face," Said Livvy to Kit.

"You're impressed by Idris. Admit it, Mr. Nothing Impresses Me," Lila laughed lightly.

"I like the clock," Kit said instead, pointing up at it.

"There's a legend about that clock," Said Livvy. She raised her eyebrows at him. "For a second, when it chimes the hour, the gates to Heaven open." A wistfulness passed her face. "As far as I'm concerned, Heaven is just the Institute being ours again, and all of us going home."

"There's still the Black Volume," said Ty. "The Queen wants it."

"Annabel will give it to Jules. He can charm or trick anyone. I'd hoped they didn't have to meet with the Queen after, I don't like the sound of her."

"I think there's a saying about that," Said Kit. "Something about crossing bridges when you get to them."

Ty went rigid suddenly. He was staring over Lila's head. She frowned at him.

"Livvy, Lila, look," He said. He nodded past Lila.

Kit looked over and saw three women: Diana, a blonde woman and another with dark brown hair. He realised who they were a moment before Livvy screamed.


Livvy ran to her older sister, Ty and Lila not far behind. Dru went soon after. Helen was brushing back Dru's hair and hugging the triplets, tears running down her cheeks. Mark hugged his sister tightly

"There is a longer story to Fade's betrayal, one you may not know," Jia said. "In 1812 he fell in love with a Shadowhunter girl, Annabel Blackthorn. Her family deplored the idea of her marrying a warlock. In the end, she was murdered—by other Nephilim. Malcolm was told she had become an Iron Sister."

"Why didn't they kill him, too?" called someone from the crowd.

"He was a powerful warlock. A valuable asset," said Jia. "In the end it was decided to leave him alone. But when he discovered what had actually happened to Annabel, he lost his mind. This past century he has spent seeking revenge against Shadowhunters."

"My lady." It was Zara, upright and very prim. Like felt like punching her.  "You tell us this story as if you mean for us to have sympathy for the girl and the warlock. But Malcolm Fade was a monster. A murderer. Some girl's infatuation with him doesn't excuse what he did."

"I find," said Jia, "that there is a difference between an excuse and an explanation."

"Then why are we being treated to this explanation? The warlock is dead. I hope this is not some attempt to wring reparations out of the Council. No one associated with that monster deserves any recompense for his death."

Jia's look seemed sharper than a knife. "I understand that you've been very active in Council affairs lately, Zara," she said. "That does not mean you can interrupt the Consul. Sit down."

Zara sat, looking angry. Aline pumped her fist. "Go, Mom," she whispered.

Zara's father stood. "Consul," he said. "We're not ignorant; we were told this meeting would involve significant testimony by a witness that would impact the Clave. Isn't it about time you brought that witness out? If indeed, they exist?"

"She exists," Jia said. "It is Annabel Blackthorn."

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