19 | Return

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Gwyn didn't come into the Institute.

"I cannot stay around all this cold iron," he told them, and to be honest he looked a bit peaky. "And you, Blackthorns, you should head inside the Institute. Within its walls you are safe."

"What about Emma and Jules?" Livvy asked. "They could be outside, or the riders could be after them—"

"Magnus went to find them," Alec assured her, "he'll make sure they're all right."

They had landed on the London Institute roof and were greeted by Mark, who seemed terrified they'd gone but relieved that they were back. He had an arm around Livvy's shoulders, his other hand on Ty's sleeve, and Lila simply stood next to Ty. Kit stood on his own; there was nobody to greet him like that.

"We might need help from you, Diana," Said Alec. "We're sending the children to Alicante as soon as Magnus returns."

Lila's gaze snapped his way.

"Which children?" Asked Diana. "Just yours or?..."

"Tavvy and Drusilla as well." Alec looked glanced at the Lila, Livvy and Ty. There was no way Lila would be going without her triplets, and she wouldn't leave Kit on his own, and it seemed Alec knew they wouldn't go.

"Ah. Might I suggest that instead of taking residence with the Inquisitor in Alicante, you stay with me on Flintlock Street? It would be good if the Cohort didn't know you were there."

"My thought exactly," said Alec. "Better to stay under the radar of the Dearborns and their ilk, especially just before the Council meeting." He frowned. "And hopefully we'll be able to get the binding spell off Mark and Cristina before we need to leave. Otherwise they might not be able to—"

Lila was nearly zoning out from tiredness—and the pain from falling, causing bruises to litter her back, since she hadn't had time to have an iratze—until Kit said, "One of the riders was killed."

When Lila glanced at him, she saw he didn't seem to be very steady on his feet, swaying lightly. His eyes looked glassy.

"You remember," he said, "it's why they fled. One of them had died and the others could feel it. Maybe Julian and Emma fought them and won."

"No one can kill the Riders of Mannan," Said Gwyn.

"Emma could," Said Livvy. "If Cortana—"

Lila, who'd been glancing at Kit to make sure he was okay, felt her breath catch when she saw Kit drop to the ground, the rain-soaked ground soaking his jeans and jacket.

"Kit!" Diana cried. Livvy grabbed Lila's arm as she went to move to Kit's side. "Alec, he hit his head during the fight. He said it didn't hurt, but—"

Alec had already moved to Kit's side, and he lifted him into his arms. He was stronger than he looked. Lila watched Kit's eyes close as a shock of panic went through her.

Magnus was with Kit for about half an hour before he sat with Tavvy , Max and Raphael in the library. Lila spent her time in the kitchen, whisking a mixture for a cake she'd found in a book which seemed to be from over a hundred years ago.

She almost dropped the bowl when she heard the kitchen door smack the wall and Dru call her name loudly.

"What?" She asked, spinning round to face her younger sister. "What's happened?"

Dru was smiling. "Jules and Emma are back!"

Lila smiled instantly, dropping the bowl onto the table. "No way! Where are they?"

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