You're Loving On The Murderer Sitting Next To You

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A/N: Smut. Also me devolving into insanity by the end of this chapter. 

Mark and I returned to the hotel and kind of just flopped on the couch though neither of us was tired. We tried watching tv but I was so filled with energy that I couldn't sit still. I got up to use the bathroom and just stared in the mirror at myself. I sighed and just shook my head at everything that ran through my mind. I returned to the couch and snuggled against Mark. Now to be honest with you, I knew it was too fast for things but you know I was a horny bitch. I looked up at him and moved so that I was sitting on my knees. I straddled Mark's legs and pressed my lips to his.

"Am I allowed to do this?" I asked slyly. He nodded.

"Go right ahead darling," he lifted me up and brought me to the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and kissed me again, this time snaking his tongue into my mouth. He reached back to unzip my dress and pulled it off so I was in nothing but a bra and panties. I pulled his t-shirt off and he pulled off his pants. We made out for a bit before he moved his lips to my neck. He went over a few spots before he found the one that really made me moan. He snaked his hands onto my upper back and unclipped my bra, tossing it aside. As he fondled my breasts I fiddled with the waistband of his boxers. I removed my underwear as did he. He pulled my hair a bit and I told him to hurt me, turning me on even more. Soon he was inside me and I was having the time of my fucking life. He bit my neck and collarbone the entire time, while I was just moaning the entire time. We were eventually done and I went to use the bathroom. I examined the marks on my neck while I took down my hair. There were already a few hickeys forming and bruises where he had gone a little harder. I returned to bed and snuggled up against Mark. I heard my phone ring again and I let it ring for a while. I eventually turned over and realized it was Ethan. I called him back and tried to make it sound like I didn't just fuck the guy that he low-key hates.

Ethan's pov

I had tried Kaylee's phone a million times. Every time I was sent straight to voicemail. Eventually, I decided to just go to her house and see if she was home. I was going to ask her to homecoming. I had finally worked up the courage and I honestly wanted to do it in person. I knocked on the door and her mom opened the door.

"Hi, Ethan. Are you looking for Kaylee?" She let me inside.

"Uh yes, I am actually."

"She left to go to Disney with Mark earlier. I assumed your entire friend group was going."

"Oh well, I'll be going home now." I threw the flowers I had brought with me into the street and hopped on my bike, holding back my tears. I ran up to my room and cried until I heard my phone ring. I dried my tears and checked the caller ID. 'Kaylee ❤' I hesitantly answered.

"Hey, you called me?" She sounded tired and I felt bad. I guess I had called her when she was trying to sleep.

"Sorry did I wake you up?"

"No, I was just getting into bed." I heard someone else in the background moving around and I just assumed she and Mark were in the same room.

"Oh, I can call you back tomorrow."

"No, it's fine. What was it?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me," I stated. I immediately regretted it though.

"Babe, who're you talking to?" I heard Mark ask Kaylee.

"No one, it's just Ethan." she was trying to be quiet but it still stung. She spoke up again. "Sorry, Ethan but I don't think of us as anything more than friends."

"Nevermind. Go have Mark, it's fine. Kiss him, fuck him, hell, marry him. I don't fucking care anymore." I hung up on her and threw my phone before going back to crying. Nothing hurts worse than heartbreak. Bullshit. Having your heart broken by hearing another guy call the girl you love 'babe' and then having her friendzone you. That hurt a hell of a lot worse than normal heartbreak.

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