📁 chapter eleven

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Jung Jaehyun's Point Of View

Bullets being heard from the sharpshooter Taeyong is using, couldn't say anymore he is amazing with his aim. I grinned knowing that the pretty boy is capable, he shot them all down with ease the other agents started clapping and cheering for him.

He unloads the gun with a lot more bullets to spear " 2 minutes, impressive " Mr.Nakamoto praised him.

He took off his head muffs and walked over to us. He stood next to me " great shooting there pretty boy " he flushed red as he mumbled a small thank you and I smirked at this he seems to be so confident earlier and that went down the drain " Jung Jaehyun! " Winwin called me over to the both of them, doing what I am asked I went over.

" since your specialty is close-range weapons you can do anything, we have thought of you not doing this exercise but you will be first to do the hand-on-hand combat with Kun first later on. Alright? " Not making any hustle about it, I just agreed to what my boss had said and returned to my spot.

" You will not do the trials? " I looked at the shorter beside me " Mr.Nakamoto has advised me not to " He then nodded looking straight forward again at the other two. " okay you are done with your warmups, we will go with agility for the first round is by yourselves and the second you will be paired up randomly " Mr.Dong notified.

" Haechan and Jungwoo individually in different stations " Yuta indicated the two as they headed to Kun and Hansol until they separated ways in diverse examinations.

Again I waited until it is my turn to be called over with my supposed partner for this ordeal, seeing everyone do with each other with great chemistry even if they are not close amazes me they are professional but friendly in a way.

" Jaehyun and Taeyong " I didn't even realize that we were last to be called out on, I looked at him " ladies first " I gestured for him to go ahead of me, he rolled his eyes at this but walked in front smiling to myself as I am following him.

" Taeyong with Kun and Jaehyun with Hansol " Heading over to our respective officers separately. Giving me a gun as I get ready for some time and nodded my head indicating that I am ready, he started to do the countdown with his fingers bending down ready to run at full speed.

Once his fingers reached zero I started running as fast as I can but with awareness.

Just then obstacles started to pop in my way but in different ways, shooting them with the gun in my hand. Pulling the trigger on the targets with a perfect aim, it stopped once I have finished the bullets in the gun throwing it somewhere.

Now on the ground, several obstacles kept on trying to stop me from running to the finish; avoiding it with ease I reached the finish line.

Wiping the sweat on my forehead as I pant, looking over to where Taeyong is supposed to be. He just finished a few seconds after I did, his face is red from the trial he then looked at me we made eye contact for a while until I came back to my senses and gave him a playful wink with a reply of a ' seriously ' look being displayed on his face.

" Jung Jaehyun your time is 4 minutes and 2 seconds, " Hansol declared on the other hand I can see Winwin writing it down on the clipboard " Lee Taeyong's recorded time is 4 minutes and 4 seconds " Kun had also announced, getting my breath steady I started walking to the others who were watching us.

Mark gave me a friendly handshake for doing a good job on the exercise.

" Second trial with agility, Jaehyun and Taeyong stand at that end together " Our boss called us over again, walking side by side to our assigned column " that was a close match pretty boy " Looking at him, I could still notice that he hasn't been used to my nickname for it as he gets flustered every time this makes me smile at the sight of him like this.

" can you stop calling me pretty boy? I am not pretty " he replied in Korean, I tilted my head to the side a bit. Is he for real? " are you blind? you are really pretty Taeyong " I stopped and held his arm carefully, making eye contact at the blushing mess.

We just stared at eye other's eyes as if we are communicating through them with different emotions, can't he stop being beautiful? it is dangerous for my heart.

" okay lovers! your training you will start now! " Mr.Nakamoto teased as we both snap back to reality and he hits my arm once again " stop being such a flirt will you? " he grabbed the practice guns and gave me one as we both went over to our starting points. " fine. Let's keep this professional for now " Winwin started to countdown " 3, 2, 1,  start! "

After our great teamwork as we went through the obstacles with no problem, we sat down on the grass-catching our breaths for the second time. " see? if we are professional it's better and I won't hate you too much " I laughed at what he said " but I know you prefer the other " I talked back, he sighed as he walked away from me and still I am smiling like an idiot without a reason.


" Now we will do flexibility " Mr.Nakamoto notified, almost most of the agents had their eyes on Taeyong after our boss has said it. He must be really good on this activity especially, " since some of the inside fielders here aren't aware of this we would have Lee taeyong first and so on " Yuta added, Hansol and Kun moved to another area.

Taeyong moved out from his position and went over to the others, eyeing him diligently to see what kind of flexibility rate he has. He stood on the opposite side as to where Kun and Hansol remained, the agents assigned then pulled out paintball guns to what it seems to be since it is only a workout but thought those things hurt like hell.

Taeyong glanced at our boss as they started the timer, Kun started firing at Taeyong as the other dodges it with no hardship at all. Doing a lot of soft but sharp turns from here to there just then Hansol also started shooting at him as well, I noticed Taeyong just smirked as it also disappears in a matter of seconds.

He did a complete rotation with his body avoiding every single thing that has been thrown at him as if he is made out of the water his body moves in one way flowing precisely but also distinctive having a fun control with his movements amazes me. None of the paint that is being hurled has touched him, and they're a lot of amounts are being shot in his direction.

Kun stopped, probably ran out of bullets already; now Hansol is the only one firing at him, eventually, he also ran out. Taeyong did one last handstand forward roll avoiding the last paintball bullet, with composure. Landing on his feet he gave us a smile of contentment of what he had achieved.

Being mesmerized I didn't even know that body moved on its own as I...

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 |  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now