📁 chapter fifteen

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No One's Point Of View

When Taeyong had peacefully fallen deep in sleep, he hadn't known that two men stood outside of his balcony watching his every move secretly. " damn our boss has taste " the man whispered shout to his pair on the other side, " shut the hell up with your perverted thoughts, this is not what we came for plus our boss is married remember dumbass? " the shorter snapped at the other.

" whatever, let's just make sure he is the one that works for them" making their way in without any sound indicating they were professionals, the two man had masks covering their whole faces except for their eyes.

Lee Taeyong's Point Of View

Feeling a cold breeze against my skin, I started opening my eyes slowly waking myself from my slumber. I looked over to my balcony seeing that the door is open slightly, I started shuffling in my bed towards the nightstand. Opening the second drawer below revealing my loaded silent revolver, grabbing it and in a speed of light I rushed over to the opened door holding up my gun ready to shoot.

I stepped out barefoot, but that is the least of my concerns right now. Looking to my right and left finding no one, furrowing my eyes brows I leaned onto the railing to check down and upwards just making sure. Still no sign of the intruder, my arms dropped to my sides but hand remained firm onto the gun I took hold of. Not wanting to stay out here any longer, going back inside my apartment.

This time I locked the door behind me, walking over to my bed. Flopping back down on my stomach as the mattress squished my face, the gun just layed beside me. I brought my hands up towards my face as I burry my head in it, in matter of seconds I found myself inside my dreams again.

Just as my dream was getting better, my alarm blasted through the room making me groan. I sat up yawning, I didn't even bother to put back my gun as I started walking like a zombie towards my bathroom, which where I will try to wake myself up as much as I can.

Looking myself at the mirror, a towel wrapped my waist, water dripping down from my hair, the droplets falling down into directions. The bags under my eyes are starting to form due to lack of sleep and weariness this past few days, grabbing another clean cloth to dry my hair with.

Walking towards my closet where I grabbed white long sleeves and orange shorts, putting on my mask to cover my tired face not wanting my colleagues to see. I stated putting the homemade meals that I have put together for the others in a paper bag just because I was bored the other day; securely so it wont spill anything while I will be driving.

Going out of my apartment, making sure to lock every door and any access double checking everything before I leave. Driving my car to the headquartes, glancing at the packed meals on the passenger's seat from time to time.

Reaching my workplace, as I parked my car with easiness next to another one, which shocked me a little bit since unexpectedly there are a lot more cars than usual which I couldn't recognize. Entering through the main entrance with the paper bag I brought, then I can see a figure ahead of me which I can recognize easily " Taeil! " his head turned, seeing me calling out his name.

He stopped in his tracks waiting for me to catch up and I did we started walking again " do you know who's cars are parked? " for a split second he didn't know what I was talking about until he made sound of realization, " those cars are the ones Mr.Nakamoto requested, I am not sure why though but he did assign me to drive them here " nodding my head at his answer, as curiousity lingered around my mind.

He opened the door to the meeting for me, as we both got, only a few agents were here it consisted of Jaehyun,Jungwoo,and Doyoung. " where is everyone? " I asked as the three of them stamped their conversation within in each other as their attention averted to me " Mr.Nakamoto is talking to Johnny privately in his office, Mr.Dong is with Mark and for our youngest he had a confidential mission for this day " Jungwoo explained.

Understanding it, I placed the paper bag on the table, they watched my hands I kept pulling out one of the containers, " the others aren't here yet, but this is for all you " their eyes sparkled at the food that I have made making me smile " woah, did you make that? " Doyoung asked, as they all stood up from their places and went closer to me.

" we should eat this later with everyone at our break time " I told them as they their eyes still glued to the Bulgogi I have prepared, " it looked delicious what is it? " All of our eyes widened and looked at the confused Jaehyun, " you havent tried this before? " I asked, as he shook his head cutely, Taeil then pats Jaehyun's back " its you're fist time trying this type of Korean food and Taeyong cooked it woah it's you're first taste of Bulgogi Is special ".

I looked down as the shade of pink covered my cheeks, " then I am grateful for that " Looking up at who owned that voice, he smiled at me and before I could smile back the door behind us burst open revealing Mr.Nakamoto alone with no sign of Johnny trailing behind him, " I apologize but there will be change of plans of the missions " he looked so stress as none of us opened our mouth because maybe it will just add up to his problems just listening is fine.

" I have sent Johnny to Bangkok alone, Mark and Haechan will be staying here in South Korea for other mission that is needed to be done. Taeyong and Jaehyun with Jungwoo to Shanghai, Doyoung you will be with Kun. Taeil you are still with Hansol. Everyone clear? " No one dared to disagree, especially with the boss's state like this and the dark expression he holds.

He sighed as as he rubbed his eyes face using his both of his hands, all of us looked at each other unsure of what to say, before any of us can mutter a word the door opened revealing Mr.Dong as Mark stood behind him. " sorry agents for the delay, you can now head to the field as Kun and Hansol will be located " Silently, one by one of them left, just before I could step out Mr.Nakamoto grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving.

" we need to discuss something " I looked over to Mr.Dong as he just agreed, there was nothing I could have done but stay and listened.

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 |  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now