📂 chapter sixteen

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Jung Jaehyun's Point Of View

All of us began to move out of the room, peeking at Taeyong who was behind me - being held back by Mr.Nakamoto himself, gripping his wrist indicating that he is being discussed about an important matter.

From what I could have grasped in a limited duration that I had, Mr.Nakamoto wielded an undecipherable expression with different types of emotions being showcased in one look at Taeyong.

As for Mr.Dong, he had a quite saddened gaze, mixed with concern. Curiosity is trying to get the best of me when I had to leave the pretty boy in that room alone talking about something we shouldn't be aware of.

Turning my back on them, as I fought with inner nosiness, taking a deep breath as I caught up with the rest of the agents who were chattering amongst themselves.

Walking behind them quietly, finally entering the separate changing rooms, one cubicle for one agent only - stepping inside my cubicle, closing the door behind me, checking myself in the mirror before removing my shoes for the meantime, top and bottoms leaving me in my boxers.

Noticing the neatly folded workout uniform we need to wear every day for the practices on the field, putting it in one go, fixing the fitting properly. I took one last view of myself as I am contented with how presentable I look - gathering all of the scattered clothes that I left on the ground, placing them in the corner where I have gotten my clothing.

Leaving my cubicle, heading straight to the field where I can see most of them are already there waiting for the rest. The unusual atmosphere rises as one by one the rest came, no one broke the silence and tension lingering in the air as we waited awkwardly for the two trainers who were usually always early.

Finally, my prayers have been answered as Taeil shattered the anticipation, " what the hell is going on? " some sighing out of relief after that question came out from him " right? This kind of unexpected last-minute changes never happens especially when Mr.Nakamoto and Mr.Dong are present which is one in a century by the way " Doyoung stated,

" agreeable even if I am the personal secretary of the two, I have no idea what is occurring right now " Jungwoo let out,

" only the four of us are left on the field right now, and we haven't even seen Mark since this morning " Taeil asserted

" Perhaps, some complications are going inside the company but Mr.Nakamoto and Mr.Dong just wanted to keep it under control. Just hope it is nothing so crucial " Saying this, the three of them nodded muttering ' hope so ' and ' I doubt it '.

After all of this, I caught a glimpse of two figures struggling to run towards us. Squinting my eyes at the sunshine brightly, knowing that it is Kun and Hansol for sure. They stopped in their tracks, as they panted heavily, with Hansol holding a box, some guns and machines are sticking in front of the top.

Approaching Hansol as I helped him with the heavy box weighing him down as he tried to catch his breath once more, Taeil grabbed two cups of water as Jungwoo and Doyoung stood by for support " you guys alright? " Jungwoo asked concern laced his voice as he looks at the two.

" w-we are fine thanks for the concern, I apologize if we are late " Taeil came back with two water cups filled with cold water. Giving it to thee two thanking him gratefully,

" no need to apologize, Kun, we understand " Doyoung gave them a slight smile of understanding, " we just rearranged the courses just now since plans have been changed according to Mr.Dong " Hansol explained, furrowing my eyebrows at the information, as I placed down the boxes behind me.

" wait did Mr.Dong only inform you about the plans today? " Asking this as they stopped from drinking the water given I looked at them almost immediately, " yes, he only notified us today just this morning " we all exchanged looks, Kun getting the unspoken words between us.

Straightening himself, taking one last sip from the cup as he faked coughed, " now let's get you guys used to the new trial we have made " I am sure that we agents noticed the sly smirk Kun signaled Hansol just now at the mention of new course we will be doing today, " okay okay, what did you guys set up?! " Doyoung gulped as the other two just smiled evilly.

Smiling at the scene, really how the atmosphere be so serious earlier? and now we are laughing our asses off at Doyoung's frightened expression. " yah! stop laughing at me! who knows what they could've set up alright?! " He scolded as we tried containing our laughter and started walking, as Hansol leads.

" oh come on, Kim it's not like we made the trial, just to slaughter all of you " Hansol made that innocent smile that made the rest petrified at the training course, even more, shrugging it off as I just scoffed at their silly attempts to scare us.

Walking for simply 5 minutes or so now, as we started to slow down " finally " Taeil said as we stopped in front of a massive garage door, honestly, I am looking forward to the changed protocol for today - Hansol and Kun turned around back facing the door as they looked at us, " for today's task not only will it be inside the headquarters but outside as well "

Hansol then again separated away from us as he walked towards a locked cabinet, our eyes are all on him as came back again with car keys in his hands. Making me much thrilled than I was, also at the corner of my eye, I can see Taeil's beaming smile at what he is seeing.

Kun opened his mouth once more to explain what we will be doing today, but the sound of a fast pace walking behind all of us prevented him to do so. I swear I could've had whiplash from the way I turned my head in that direction.

Smiling so genuinely at him as he smiled back, standing next to me - bowing precisely 90 degrees mumbling ' I am sorry for keeping you guys wait ' ensuring him that it was no trouble at all since it wasn't even his fault anyways.

" it's alright Taeyong you are just right on time "

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 |  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now