Excerpt from book

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I almost say "okay, let's kill him" but then I remember who I am.

What my values are.

What my standards are.

What my morals are.

And this is not 1 of them.

Values define who you are. The minute, the second, the millisecond, you forget your values, you lose yourself, your mind, your soul. I already lost my family and my innocence to the supernatural. I am not going to lose my humanity too.

I find the words flying out of my mouth in a frantic hurry before I can stop them.

I am screeching, screaming, blurting words and phrases and sentences and paragraphs at the people before me like I will soon run out of air.

They stare at me like I am speaking in tongues, which I guess to them I am.

"Okay," Kayde says as he picks his lifeless brother off the ground. Slings him over his shoulder like he is made of feathers. Nods at me once, twice, 3 times. "We can use him to get information. No killing."

He looks me in the eye.

But that doesn't mean that there won't be torture.

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now