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PICTURE: Aisling's ring (similar).

Annybelle, I think, how fitting.

My mother reminds me daily that since I was as young as 2-years-old, I have claimed that I am not her daughter. According to her, I would sit in my room and talk to myself all day long. And when she would ask who I was talking to, I would answer "my real mom and dad."

My father believed that I was possessed for a while there.

I'm not sure he isn't still convinced.

She would also ask me my name, since I refused to go by Aisling anymore. I reminded her that it was Belle. Mom decided that it was because of my childhood fascination with Beauty and the Beastthat made me name myself Belle.

But now, staring at my newfound parents, I deem my Mom's theory inaccurate.

We have been sitting in silence for about 31 minutes.

31 minutes and no one has moved.

I am trying to soak in all the information thrown my way and notice that I have bitten a hole in my lip.

For the first time in half an hour, I glance up. Everyone seems to be waiting for me to say something.

I decide to break the silence. "I used to see you as a child," I tell Grayson. "You would be in my room. Or at the store. Or wherever I was." He wasn't always there, but I did remember that about twice a year until I was around 6, he would come see me. Of course, I did not think much of it then, I practically waved him off as an imaginary friend.

He seems surprised by my outburst. "Yes," he breathes astonished. "How do you remember that?"

"What do you mean? My Mom tells me all the time that I would call myself Belle and remind her that I wasn't her child," I laugh. "We always just ignored it. But man, were we wrong."

Henry glances at me with laughter in his eyes, cocks his head slightly to the left. "You told Marie that she wasn't your mother?"

I nod. "I used to do all sorts of crazy things like that." I think back to the things I did when I was little. "Once, she made me so mad that I held my breath until I turned blue. I think I was four then."

That seems to ease everyone up and I even hear a few chuckles. My Mom loved to tell that story to everyone—especially any guy I would go on a date with. "The Day Aisling Lost Her Mind" is what she calls it.

Grayson turns back to me, a smile on his face. "I used to come to you all the time, love. Henry told you that doyens had abilities, but he didn't explain what they were." He thinks for a second. "Henry makes you relive your past, see the memories you have forgotten. Your mother can... send herself or others to another place without having to leave. For example, I came to you in your home. Only the supernatural could see me, which is why Marie and Samuel never noticed me. But I was there." He sighs. "I wish I could have come more frequently, but we were afraid our enemies would find you if we did."

I understand that. But that brings me back to the ring. I turn it around and around on my finger over and over before asking my next question. "If this ring was supposed to protect me," I start, "why are so many people staring at me on the streets?"

That was news to everyone but Kayde. I hear a resounding "What?" from the other 3, but Kayde speaks over them.

"The ring was meant to last until your twentieth birthday, but it has been wearing off early." He winces. "That's why I had to run off at the concert earlier. One minute you were Aisling, the human girl, and the next minute I could tell that you weren't human. I immediately put the pieces together. The artist at the Square said you had his eyes," Kayde says and I see Grayson open his mouth to ask for more information. But Kayde ignores him, "I should have known then. That's what they were staring at you for. Supernaturals can tell if another is around. Especially when you're the daughter of the ever-sought-after Grayson Whitlen," he adds.

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now