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PICTURE: New Orleans Lakefront. This is Aiden and Aisling's new favorite spot. 

"Are you sure you killed him?" the newcomer asks me for the 289th time today.

"Yes, like I've reiterated one-hundred times, I killed Kai," I snap.

Kayde instantly called my family over to his small apartment after he received the text message.

Grayson's veins are so far out of his head I'm sure they will pop like a balloon on freshly cut grass at any second. His face is the shade of a beat.

Kayde also told his friend Bruno, the 1 who sent the text about Kai, to come over and explain what had happened.

Bruno is a small Portuguese man with gold eyes. He would be attractive if it wasn't for the fact that I hated him, his smirk and his know-it-all attitude.

"Well he's not dead," Bruno smarts off at me again.

I am going to murder the small Portuguese man in front of everyone.

"Well I know who isgoing to be," I growl at him and take a step forward. Kayde grabs my hand to hold me back.

"Aisling, he's just trying to help," Adeline says to me from the kitchen. She is just as upset as Grayson is, though she is handling her anger much better. Grayson, for example, has broken 3 wine glasses since he arrived.

Henry speaks up from the large couch in the living room. "Bruno. Explain it to us one more time, please," he asks while he gives me a look to settle down.

Settle down? I'll kill you too, Gramps.

"Kai was on Decatur Street this morning. He was alone—as far as I could tell. But he looked different. Something was definitely...off with him."

"There's always been something off with Kai, what's new?" Kieran jokes from upstairs.

"He seemed almost...human," Bruno says whilst shaking his head.

Adeline comes to stand in front of me again. "Aisling can you tell me what happened?"

I sigh. Inhale through my nose deeply. Close my eyes. "He attacked me. He bit my neck and then threatened to kill Brayden. I blacked out. But I do remember suffocating him—if you can call it that—until he fell to the ground. I checked for a heartbeat and never heard one. He wasdead."

"Suffocated him how?" Bruno asks, making my irritation grow.

"I imagined all the air in his lungs dissipating until he had no oxygen in his body."

"That's impossible."

"You want to find out for yourself?" I ask menacingly and hear Kieran guffaw in his room.

"Show him, Ais," I hear Kieran mumble from his room. Before everyone arrived at the small apartment, he let me know how much he hated Bruno. "He's a pompous arse, Aisling. Get ready," Kieran had warned me. "I don't know how my idiot brother gets along with the guy. I've literally hated him from the moment I met him"

Needless to say, our mutual hate of Kayde's right-hand man has made me like the Rhys brother much more than before.

Grayson interrupts our bickering. "And you're sure that you didn't hear a heartbeat?"

Rolling my eyes, I look at Grayson. He immediately tightens up and I earn a maniacal glare from my biological father. He obviously doesn't have many people rolling eyes at him or, at least, they don't get away with it. "Yes. He was trying to kill Brayden and me. There was no way I was letting him get away."

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now