(16) BLOOD

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PICTURE: Aisling's scar. Ps: since I wrote a lot of this blood based on my life and my struggles, this chapter is very dear to me. If you have scoliosis (or any other insecurity), remember that you have been put through it for a reason. I didn't believe it at first, but I have been able to help out a lot of people and without the past, I wouldn't have the inspiration I have today. Okay, that's enough Ted Talk for today. On with the chapter!

It is now Monday morning and we are sitting around the living room in silence. I can hear a jazz musician strumming away outside on the street while a parade passes by. The same parade I was supposed to be enjoying with my friends. I mentally sigh. So much for my grand weekend away.

I have not talked to or seen Kayde since I yelled at him. I want to be grateful. I should be grateful. But my sadistic mind will not allow me to be. I want to see him again.

Hearing Grayson's reasoning behind killing Sophia makes me sympathize with the Rhys' brothers. He killed her and various others for power. Although, he was just following the alpha's (aka his father's) orders.

Grayson explained to me that when an alpha gives an order, the pack cannot refuse. Every fiber of their being made them do whatever he/she said. They had to obey or leave the pack. And a lone wolf, per my father, is a dead wolf. "It's better to bow down than to be on your own in the middle of a war," he had told me.

And I also understand Grayson's reasoning behind murdering Kayde's mother. She did kill his father. Power hungry or not, he was avenging his death.

But apparently, my grandfather was not a good father—or alpha—when he was alive. Grayson told me that he was an abusive drunk. He would come home after doing God-only-knows-what and my father would have to hide under the staircase until he finally passed out.

His mother—a human—ran off when he was young, tired of being abused I assume. Grayson and his 2 brothers were left to fight off my grandfather alone. I thought it was odd that my uncles weren't wolves too but Grayson reminded me that, with most supernaturals, only 1 in each generation would get the gene.

That would explain my father's short temperament. And his need to have power, to have control. He likes to know what is coming next. Grayson wants to know that he can control everything around him; everyone around him.

Looking at him now, he seems almost civil. Him and Adeline are sitting hip to hip on the couch, his arm thrown around her shoulder. They both have a book in their hand, lost in thought. Anyone can see that they are a perfect match: soulmates.

I wonder if that's what Kayde and I look like, I think to myself.

Almost like he knows I am thinking of him, my phone buzzes.

Kayde (4:56 p.m.): Meet me outside.

I excuse myself from the room and walk outside into the bustling parade crowd. There is a large float almost the size of the home in front of me. I look up to the black wire balcony that is now covered in rainbow beads. I notice Kayde leaning on the beige wall a few feet from me holding a bouquet of fresh white honeysuckle flowers.

I am instantly thrown back to the day on campus when we ran in to the bush of honeysuckle and he placed 1 in my hair. It feels like ages ago.

My heart thuds when I see him. All my breath leaves me at once and I must remind myself to start breathing again. He is so breathtakingly beautiful. He pushes off the wall when he catches a glimpse of me and comes close.

"For being a complete arse," he announces as he hands me the bouquet and bows. "Please, Aisling, I'm begging you to forgive me. I was mad and vampires have a very short temper. All my emotions are heightened. I promise I won't lay a hand on you," he begs. His voice is hoarse and I know that he is hurting, I can feel it.

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now