(30) THE END (not the end of the story)

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PICTURE: St. Louis Cemetery #1. The home of Marie Laveau's tomb. 

My soulmate is pinned to an old, white, faded tomb 9 yards away. He is straining against invisible restraints, no doubt caused by the blonde witch standing in front of him. I can tell that the second attacker is Kamila from her iridescently bright raven hair.

My blood is boiling at 126°F.

I could light a match with only my eyes.

She is going to suffer.

Kamila is the entire reason that all of this is happening. She is the reason that my brother has been tortured. She is the reason that I was harassed by Devin.

She is the reason that Kayde's heart is slowing to an unnatural rhythm.

Turning around to search for Brayden, I can instantly feel his fear.

The monster that he saw only moments ago has reared its ugly head.

The killer is back, my subconscious seethes at me. But I don't have the time or the patience to sooth his uneasiness right now.

"Stay out of sight. If someone comes at you, yell for me. Please, please, don't watch what is about to happen. Okay?" I ask him, begging as much as I possibly can in the state I am in. I hate to just leave him vulnerable, but I know that if he were to follow me to fight Kamila, he will be used as leverage in a heartbeat.

"You want me to sit back while you get yourself killed?" he says incredulously. "No, Aisling, I'm helping."

I don't have time for this hero kick he is suddenly on. "Brayden, you will get yourself killed. Stay here. It won't be long."

I sprint towards Kayde before he can attempt to follow. My speed is 10x faster than his, after all.

I am standing face to face with the witch before she can even blink. Nobody is protecting her, which I think is odd. I notice that is the same witch that has followed Kamila around since I showed up. It's like she's her little servant girl. I slightly ponder how a vampire could control a witch as strong as Blondie here.

Imaging the girl's heart slowing down to a pace to match Kayde's, I hear her gasp and twitch as Kayde's unconscious body hits the ground. If he were not supernatural, the fall alone would have killed him. Blondie stares up at me, her eyes matching that of a Bratz doll.

She cannot believe how strong I am, she cannot even imagine the power I have.

And she wants it.

Too bad she's about to be in a coma.

Her blood begins to freeze over, slowing her attempts to claw her way out of my sight. I picture her veins looking like the frozen cherry icicle pops that I used to eat as a child. I watch as her eyes begin to frost over and her body turns a faded cream color. Her movements slow down to very mechanical and then to nonexistent. Blondie is frozen solid on her knees, her mouth agape with her right hand reaching out to me.

The only indication that she is alive is the faint heartbeat underneath her frozen exterior.

I turn my attention to Kamila, who was mid-stride towards me when I paralyzed her companion. She cannot help the fear that makes an appearance in her crystal eyes.

She is a deer caught in the headlights.

My headlights.

But her fear is masked over right after I register it. Kamila is charging me, teeth bared, veins out. She's not going to stop until I am dead. Or until she is.

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now