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spend the following week balancing my life between Kayde, Aiden, school and work.

It's no small feat.

Kayde walks me to class everyday between the times he has classes. I've learned so much about him in just a short few days. His favorite thing to do is hike anywhere he can. He has hiked in over 30 countries, but his favorite was the Aconcagua trail in Chile. Kayde was born in London, but moved to Australia when he was very young. He misses Australia more and more every day.

I would miss Australia too if I ever went there.

He tells me that his father died when he was only a few years old and that his mother had raised him for the rest of the time.

"Does she live here with you?" I asked him, eager to know more about him.

He shook his head. "Nah. She..." he scratched his head and looked awkward as he told me that she passed away, too.

I was not sure how to respond at that point.

That was only a few short days ago. Since then, his mood has been lifted like she never passed away at all. I thought it was odd at first but now I have decided that it is his way of coping.

We are currently on our way to my communications class across campus when I notice a bed of honeysuckle. Reds, yellows, pinks and whites peak at me through a bed of healthy green leaves. The sweet aroma of the plant greets me with a hello and wraps its warm limbs around me. I am comforted in the warmth of its embrace.

I cannot contain the happiness that bursts through my veins the second I see the flower bed.

It's not that I never see honeysuckle; I do. The mysterious vines are found all over Louisiana, especially this time of year. But it is still my favorite flower.

"Oh, wow," I say out loud, much to my dismay.

Kayde's interest is peaked immediately. He watches me as I examine each and every flower of the group with a smile as wide as an in-ground pool. He is fascinated by my examination of the flowers; of my exuberance and childlike nature towards the plants.

I reach down to pick 1 up and immediately inhale the aromatic bliss. My nostrils are filled with a sweet nectar I can only describe as watered down honey. I pull lightly on the small green stamen and notice the small bead of juice on it. Kayde watches me with intensity as I place the clear ball on my tongue and savor the taste.


"Here," he says as he bends down with a laugh caught in his throat. He breaks off the most beautiful yellow flower. I watch as he twists off the stem to where it is only the flower and a very small sprout.

He comes so so close to me. Enough for me to see every pore, every eyelash, every strand of his silky brown hair. My heart is




And I am not sure if the air has gotten thicker or the nectar was poison or if his touch is the cause of my heart beating in my chest.

This is why global warming is happening. Not because of pollution, but because of young girls' hormones.

Sorry Earth.

Kayde raises his left hand up to the right side of my face tenderly, lovingly, softly, and brushes my hair behind my ear. I watch as he places the single brilliant yellow honeysuckle behind the crevice he has made for it in the curtain of my hair.

I have to remind myself to breathe before I pass out.

He seems to notice this and I notice a soft chuckle leave his lips.

His laugh could solve even the saddest of aches. It is deep and dark and throaty all at once.

I cannot breathe.

"That's a beautiful flower," I manage to choke out when I regain my composure—sort of.

But he only shakes his head. "It is," he begins, "but it will never be half as beautiful as you."

My heart has broken into 6 pieces. I'm pretty sure that someone has taken a knife and cut it up like it is an apple pie.

A slice for me.

A slice for you.

As usual, I am at a loss for words and the only response that comes out is a mangled 'awe.'

I am going to bury myself in my embarrassment.

I shake my head like I am trying to rid my ear of water after a long swim. "How did you know which one to pick?" I manage to croak out.

His only response is 'intuition' and another heart-wrenching, soul-sucking smile. 

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now