(31) 21 GUNS

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PICTURE: The swamp.

"What happens now?" I hear Emmory ask from 10 feet away.

We have not moved for 29 minutes. For 29 minutes, Kamila's heart has been laying at my feet, her body only 2 feet from it. For 29 minutes, I have had a creeping fear that she will somehow miraculously come back to life. For all I know, zombies are real too.

Kayde has been the only 1 of us to move and that was to pull me into his arms. He turned me around and wrapped his firm biceps around my waist the second his sister fell. I rested my tired head on his right arm—the 1 with our bonding tattoo—and closed my eyes. He didn't say a word and neither did I. It was the best thing he could have done.

I don't think I could speak if I tried.

The rest of the bodies still line the dirty cemetery streets. Nobody has attempted to move them. Nobody has spoken a word since Grayson killed Kamila.

Not until now.

"We have to dispose of the bodies," a pack member named Barron said. He is around 34 and is the shortest of the pack besides me. He has dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"How are we going to do that exactly?" Wyatt asks irritably. He is covered in blood from head to toe. His tan t-shirt is ripped to shreds allowing a glimpse at his hard core. I can see minor scratches on his face and biceps from where someone obviously struggled to get free. But he looks safe and sound as far as I can tell. I notice a younger boy—probably 13—standing next to him who I assume is his brother from their striking resemblance.

"We burn the vampires and witches and have a ceremony for our pack," Grayson declares.

Someone speaks up from the opposite site of Emmory. The

black-haired girl is huddled over a young man. "Why can't we just bury the witches?" she asks with tears running down her face.

"Because, Violetta," Fawn steps up next to Wyatt, "that leaves energy for other witches to cast off of. It allows them to grow stronger and more powerful. That's the last thing we want."

3 minutes pass before anyone says anything again. Marcus clears his throat after the 3 minutes and stands up from his place on the ground. Marcus is in about the same condition as Wyatt, though he seems to have a few more scratches. The biggest 1 ranges from his right eyebrow down to his jaw. It is blood red but has finally began to stop bleeding.

I am staring at his gash for longer than necessary when he speaks up. "There are 21 fallen wolves here. How are we going to get that many across the city without anyone noticing?"

His question causes the entire group of survivors to count the bodies in affirmation. There are 50 bodies on the ground. 21 of them are ours. There are only 19 of us and Brayden. And I am not sure that Brayden will be ok with hauling dead wolves across the city.

Brent suggests that we can use his suburban to bring the bodies. It is obvious that nobody—including Brent—wants to place dead pack members in a suburban but there is no other choice.

While Brent walks away to get his SUV, Grayson begins to make plans for the disposal of our enemies.

"Kayde, Kieran, Henry and Adeline," he barks, "you will be left to take care of them."

I expect them to disagree, to argue, to fight, but they just nod their heads silently and begin to walk the opposite way of the bodies. I follow.

Alias: The Doyen Series book 1Where stories live. Discover now