I'm back!

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Hey guys, I'm feeling a lot better about things and after watching Elijah's channel again, I realised that I wasn't ready to lose out on someone who has made my life so much better. I'm going to either post a chapter later, or I may even consider writing a chapter now. I don't mind staying awake until 3am to make content that all of you seem to be enjoying. I've learnt not to let hate get to me and I'm going to just ignore it. Now, if you are someone who happens to read this and you want to consider throwing hate, in the nicest way possible, please leave because I don't need your negative vibes and I'm pretty sure everyone else would agree. I can't thank each and every one of you. You have all changed my life, that is something that not everyone can experience. And I never would've been here if it wasn't for you. We are getting so close to 500 reads, that's crazy. I never would've thought I would achieve this, turns out I was wrong. My heart belongs to all of you, I love you 3000 (quote from marvel). Enough of me babbling on and I'll see you in the next chapter. Take it easy fellas! <3

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